Medical Cannabis - Healing with Marijuana (2021)

2 months ago

Medical marijuana should be legalized as it has much medical value. It is one of the safest drugs in existence, certainly safer than anything the pharmaceutical companies put out but that should not surprise us. Mother Nature outdid herself with cannabis and we will talk about it as a holy herb, but my assistant, psychiatric nurse Claudia French, has seen people who have suffered from continuous pot use.

As with any medicine there are warnings and precautions and contraindications and we have a chapter on this as well as plenty of information and an exploration of addiction. But at this point in human civilization the cannabis plant offers a huge helping hand to our race at a time of great need.

The really bad news about marijuana though is reserved for the pharmaceutical companies whose profits would deteriorate enormously if the real truth of cannabinoid medicine ever got out to the public and to the rank-and-file members of the American Medical Association who used to champion its use before it was made illegal.

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