LIEBOLD EXPOSES BOSI "Melting Down, Creating Clickbait, Needs Help"

11 months ago

In a "Voice of Freedom" broadcast, freedom personality and former A1 co-host Carl Liebold exposes Riccardo Bosi as a creating clickbait and in serious need of a diagnosis for his obviously failing mental health.

Liebold first addresses the outburst Bosi had on the 24th of February, wherein Bosi threatened to hang and kill Darren Bergwerf (of "My Place") and accused him of infiltrating the A1 movement with Masonic spies.

Liebold describes the outburst as a "public meltdown." He then goes on to read an email from a viewer (an armed services veteran) who has, up until that point, been a paid supporter of A1. Said supporter (Pat) claimed he would be withdrawing support for A1 and expressed disappointment in the so-called leadership of Bosi. Liebold said he received numerous letters along the same lines, and claimed he has not received a single letter in support of A1.

Next, Liebold exposes Bosi (and Guru) as creating clickbait garbage based on unproven conspiracy theories such as DUMBs (deep underground military bases) and the mysterious white hats. Liebold says Bosi engages in this nonsense-talk to up his clicks and views, which are popular with the brainwashed MAGA crowd from the United States. He also says, this is why Bosi frequently hosts discussions with clowns like SGAnon and Capt. Kyle.

Lastly, Liebold expresses complete disappointment in Bosi personally, and says he is destroying his own supporter base and executive team from within. Liebold puts it down to Bosi's failing mental health and encourages him to seek help through the DVA -- Department of Veterans Affairs. Liebold also says that Craig Cole was forbidden from speaking with him due to reasons he was never made aware of. He finally says there is a tightly controlled list of questions Bosi will only respond to, and that questioning Bosi results in extreme hostility. Liebold cites the disbanded South Australian chapter of A1 as proof positive of this.

In short, Bosi is exposed as a raving lunatic melting down before our very eyes. A1 supporters need to wake up and remove the rose coloured glasses. Riccardo Bosi is a sick man in need of serious help for his failing mental health.


➀ AustraliaOne Party "Green Room Extra with Gideon Jacobs"

➁ VoF February 23rd "Funding for Kids Palliative Care Halved"



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