Paths of Righteousness

3 months ago

Paths of Righteousness
I have often wondered why so many Christians are led astray from the true faith. I’m sure many have asked themselves the same question throughout the ages. The simplest answer is the devil is to blame, but I think it’s much more than that. The devil doesn’t have any truths to bear or even a book of instructions on how to be his disciple. His greatest tool is obfuscation. He will present each individual with his own version of the truth especially tailored for them. If he can get you to believe a false version of reality he has succeeded. He will lead you down paths of truthfulness only to get you to believe a lie in the end. He will use everything and everyone he can to make it happen.
The lusts of the flesh are one of his greatest tools. He will use them against you time after time. The very physical world we live in is a distraction from the spiritual world that exists side by side. As a human being you will make the choice to either walk in the spirit or walk in the flesh. The choice is yours and yours alone. You have no one to blame for your actions or inaction.
Another tool satan will use against you is your own laziness. One of the worst things you can do is NOTHING. If he can convince you that you have it right, then you won’t take the time to find out if you actually do. A vast majority of Christians fit into this category. To take it a step further when a Christian who has taken the time to disciple themselves in the faith that has been delivered to them comes into your life to help you in your understanding, you reject them and even ridicule them. Most of the time, it is your pride that gets in the way of your understanding of scripture. Very often the person being corrected will reject your knowledge and mistake it for pride and arrogance when you’re only trying to help them.
One of the greatest forms of love is CORRECTION, we all need it.
Why is it that people will go to school for 20 years to educate themselves in the ways of the world but on the other hand they won’t take the time to educate themselves in the ways of the spirit through the Bible? The operative word being “TAKE”. When something is important to you-you will TAKE the time to understand it. Education prepares you for the ways of the world to make a living and sustain yourself. Education in the Bible prepares you to interact with the spiritual world and navigate between the forces of GOOD and the principalities and evil powers in high places of this world.
Without an education in the scriptures you are easy prey for the devil. He can have his way with you at anytime he chooses. In reality you can’t blame the devil for anything until you have educated yourself in the scriptures. Otherwise you won’t even know where the attacks are coming from and have any effective countermeasures in your quiver.
The main reason for the fall of modern Christianity is ignorance and a perpetuation of ignorance in the higher institutions of learning. The pastors and teachers are ignorant and the laity is ignorant. The congruity of scripture is nonexistent in the Christian world; in fact, it’s more like a spiritual food fight or smorgasbord. Pick and choose what you want and leave the rest out.
Lastly; too many Christians are willing to place their eternal life into the hands of another man-woman. They can only see and understand the scriptures through the eyes and ears of someone else. This is the biggest mistake you can make as a Christian. A good pastor will lead you to your own path towards YHVH. A bad one will lead you down his path towards God and there is a world of difference.
1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

All of the issues of life are found in the pages of the Bible, why would you not seek them out first hand? I know the answer, but it is up you the individual to answer the question; now or later, at the JSOC and the GWTJ.

My books are available on Amazon Kindle.

Bible Questions Answered

Defending the faith

Last Generation

The Rain Appendixes to the Companion Bible


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