Super Soldier Talk – Jenny Lee – NESARA, Ice Wall, and Our Future

7 months ago


Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE!

Original Upload Date: February 29, 2024

Jenny Lee is a seer, remote viewer, medium, automatic writer, angel reader, and healer. Today we will be discussing current events, NESARA, elections, ice wall, and our future.

Jenny Lee has been working with the families to find missing persons assist law enforcement cases for 12 years as of 2021. In the process she often uncovers corruption with high level elites, and sometimes even law enforcement. Jenny has some recall of memories of being in Orion with the ascended masters such as Jesus. She has some SSP memories of being on ships and see keys that twist around planet earth. Jenny predicted President Trump being elected in 2016 but her predictions have been wiped from the internet because so many other psychics. She’s the author of a book, Walking in Humble Spirit, that she didn’t want to write. “Spirit told me, ‘I want you to do this book for people who are starting out, so they can understand energy and spirituality in a basic way and not feel frustrated.’ The book wasn’t for me. It was what Spirit needed me to do.”

Jenny’s website is:

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