Leadership, Not Despair!

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The alarming utopian military escapades planned against Russia, exposed in the last days through various media, have shocked the world. They include the secret joint planning by several NATO militaries of a attack on the Kerch Bridge in Russia, an action that could in fact provoke an imminent war throughout Europe, quickly placing the world on the doorstep of thermonuclear war. The mad remarks of leaders from France, Great Britain, United States, and other areas of the Anglosphere, mean that there will be no likely reversal of direction that will come from a morally senile "elite."

But the “heroics of despair, “witnessed in last Sunday’s self-immolation of airman, Aaron Bushnell, cannot do more than provoke normal men and women in our nations to recognize that they must “take arms against the sea of troubles that have merely surfaced in Gaza and Ukraine. The world requires a higher-ordered solution.

There must be an alternative provided – and the LaRouche Oasis Plan is that alternative. But how will that alternative become the recognized, dominant approach in in the very nations whose leaders are provoking the world to a thermonuclear nightmare?

SPEAKERS: Harley Schlanger, Gretchen Small

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