THEY SOLD THEIR SOULS (complete audio sermon - please download MP3 and share with others)

11 months ago

“Some people say that life is a cesspool of darkness and despair. Well, we in Van Halen are sailing through it on a yacht.” —David Lee Roth

Ecclesiastes 8:12-13, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: But it shall not be well with the wicked...”

One of the most infamous Rock 'N' Roll band's of music history is VAN HALEN. What began in 1972 as a simple band in Pasadena, California quickly by 1977 became a worldwide phenomena in music history. Van Halen drew crowds as large as 500,000 fans at once in South America and around the world, with screeching guitars, thundering bass, glorifying sin, and praising Satan with their music. The band has sold 80,000,000 records worldwide as of 2007. The band says they're going strong and have no plans to stop rocking!

One of their most popular songs (if not the most) is RUNNING WITH THE DEVIL from their 1978 album titled VAN HALEN. If you click the image above you can see how old and silly they are now 34 years later singing the same song. After 40-years VAN HALEN are still RUNNING WITH THE DEVIL. But their time is running out, judgment day is coming (Hebrews 9:27).

In the song, you'll hear David Lee Roth at the beginning of the song call it a “benediction” (a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection). It certainly is a benediction to Satan, the god whom they serve. Life is so short and these men will be in the fires of Hell before too long. Death can happen at any moment. It is sad to see Eddie Van Halen's son, Wolfgang, play bass in the band. Wolfgang is following his father into spiritual destruction. They are all pulling on the same rope as the Devil. They really don't believe that there's a Hell that burns with fire and brimstone.

It's a big joke to them, like all the tens-of-millions of fans worldwide singing ACDC's HIGHWAY TO HELL. You have the choice to run with the Devil and travel the highway to Hell if you'd like, but you couldn't offer me all the wealth, pleasures and fame that this world has to offer in exchange for my soul's eternal happiness. I'll take Jesus Christ!

Not surprisingly in this crazy world today, Alex Van Halen (the band's drummer) is an ordained minister and performed the wedding of his brother Eddie in 2009. Eddie and Alex Van Halen are both hellbound Roman Catholics. Just like Gene Simmons of the demonic Rock band, KISS, so also is David Lee Roth Jewish and a non-believer in Jesus Christ.

Roth is known for his sense of humor, who stated “Some people say that life is a cesspool of darkness and despair. Well, we in Van Halen are sailing through it on a yacht.” Satan has rewarded the members of Van Halen for their loyalty and service. VAN HALEN has succeeded in ruining the lives of hundreds-of-millions of teenagers and families, leading them into sexual immorality, rebellion and lives without God. Numerous recent videos have emerged of the band doing interviews, performing in concert, TV shows... all happy, smiling and having fun... the time of their life! But the Bible says it shall not be well with the wicked (Ecclesiastes 8:12-13). The sinful world receives their own...

John 15:19, “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.”

The world receives Dave Mustaine of MEGADETH (despite his profession that he is a born-again Christian) because Mr. Mustaine still performs heavy metal Rock music, produces satanic albums, and fellowships with blasphemous bands like SLAYER who curse the name of Jesus Christ.

VAN HALEN is still singing today, but the artists are getting older. David Lee Roth (lead singer) is now 60 (born October 10, 1954).

James 4:7-10, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”

Satan is the god of this sinful world (2nd Corinthians 4:4) and as such demands allegiance from those who desire fame, fortune and power. In Luke 4:6 and 7, Satan said to Jesus... “All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.”

Although Jesus declined Satan's offer, wicked men and women have been accepting Satan's offer throughout history, worshipping the Prince of Darkness. It's simple... if you want to be massively successful in this sinful world, then you've got to sell your soul to the Devil. It's no coincidence that our highest politicians are all going around flashing Satanic hand signs. How do you think they got into power?

Please understand that my intent for writing and publishing this needful article is NOT to condemn nor criticize David Lee Roth, the Van Halen brothers, nor anyone else; but rather, to shed Biblical light upon the wickedness of Rock music of all types, and the occult-owned and controlled music industry that seeks to destroy the lives of youth everywhere. James 4:4 says that to befriend (assist) the sinful world is to be the enemy of God. I am God's friend, are you?

Satan Wants To Destroy Your Life

By the way, I read today that Kenney Chesney and Van Halen performed together in a 2006 convert. You see, Kenney Chesney is also working for Satan, and has sold his soul for fame and fortune. The entire music industry is controlled by occultists in secret societies (and this includes the mainstream Contemporary Christian Music industry). But there's a darker agenda at work here. The common man listens to Country music, but rebels listen to Rock music. By combining Country with Rock, Satan is attempting to lead common people into lives of gross rebellion against God. Communist dictator (and monster) Vladimir Lenin said the best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals. That's the Illuminati's goal, that is, to destabilizes society and destroy the traditional family. Satan wants the children now, so that tomorrow he will have everyone.

Satan wants to do this in order to overthrow society and enslave humanity. This is all leading into a New World Order (which is the Beast system of the coming Antichrist). The world knows about this, but they scoff and joke because that's what the Illuminati has indoctrinated them to do through media brainwashing. This is all social engineering folks! Van Halen's music glorifies prostitution, oral sex, violence, adultery and every form of sin. Van Halen sold their souls to the Devil as youths. This is why the occult-controlled music industry has Dolly Parton singing Led Zeppelin songs. This is why they had Johnny Cash sing satanist, Glen Danzig's song 13. The common man listens to Country music, including many churchgoers. But Rock music is for rebels, not the common man.

So by promoting satanic Rock music to the general Country-music-listening-audience, the Illuminati are corrupting society, introducing people into satanic Rock music. It's all a part of the moral downfall of the United States, so that out of utter chaos and ruin can arise a New World Order (which is stated in Latin on the back of every U.S. one-dollar bill). This is why Miley Cyrus started out as Walt Disney's little innocent princess “Hannah Montana,” but now is the sleazy-slut-of-Sodom! This is why Taylor Swift started out as the good little girl, wearing dresses, but now she's the whore-of-Gomorra, Miley's twin sister of sin. Have you been deceived?

Parents, Satan wants your child's innocence! Young people, the Devil wants to destroy you! Tell the Devil where he can go! Van Halen's good times will end the moment they die and pass into eternity. God will not be mocked. There is no Rock music in Heaven, or Hell. The Holy Bible warns that God will judge all men according to their works, whether good or evil (Ecclesiastes 12:14). Van Halen's songs glorify sin and the Devil, not the Lord Jesus Christ. The fans flashing satanic hand-signs say it all. Darkness cannot stand light and the Bible is that precious Light! Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

"To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." —Acts 26:18

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