CCP’s New Wave of Propaganda on Social Media to Promote “One China” to Westerners and Taiwanese

3 months ago

02/29/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: Now there is a new wave of propaganda on many social media targeting Westerners and Taiwanese. The idea is if you like Chinese culture, then you should support the so-called one-China ideology that Taiwan belongs to China. Internet celebrities, the young ladies carrying the missions of the CCP will claim that Taiwan is a part of China, because they have the same cultures.
02/29/2024 喜安娜做客OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY:现在在很多社交媒体上出现了一波针对西方人和台湾人的宣传浪潮。宣传用的理念是,如果你喜欢中国文化,那么你就应该支持台湾属于中共国的“一个中国”原则。一些肩负中共使命的网红或年轻女士会声称台湾是所谓的中共国的一部分,因为台湾和中共国拥有相同文化。

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