Orthodox Confession - From a Young Woman's Perspective - Modern Challenges of Faith

1 year ago

English Channel TV - https://rumble.com/c/c-5854929
Romanian Channel TV - https://rumble.com/c/c-5860023
HTRAOC (on FB) - https://www.facebook.com/HTRAOC

Orthodox Confession - From a Young Woman's Perspective - Modern Challenges of Faith

Confession is one of the 7 mysteries of the Orthodox Church. This episode takes you deep into the thoughts of young women and examines their feelings towards the Orthodox mystery of confession and how they were able to overcome their fears. Father Abraham Wassef answers important questions on this topic and helps ease the minds of those who fear that the priest may judge them or maybe disappointed in them which ultimately leads to a person not participating in the mystery of confession. Video-Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOvAH3Sp9Ik

Confession and Communion

Canon of Preparation for Holy Communion - http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/english/prayerbook/cancomu.htm
Preparatory Prayers for Holy Communion - http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/english/prayerbook/praycomu.htm
Self Examination Before Confession - https://antiochian.org/regulararticle/602
Prayers After Confession - https://antiochian.org/regulararticle/603


English Channel – Theology and Contemporary Issues

Ancient Faith - https://www.youtube.com/@AncientFaithMinistries/videos
Patristic Nectar Films - https://www.youtube.com/@PatristicNectarFilms/videos
Patristix - https://www.youtube.com/@Patristix/videos
Orthodox Teaching of the Elders - https://www.youtube.com/@otelders/videos
Orthodox Prayers (videos) - https://www.youtube.com/@orthodoxchristianprayers/videos
Orthodox Prayers (text) - http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/english/prayerbook/main.htm
Orthodox Prayers (all occasions, text) - https://www.goarch.org/chapel/prayers
Fr. Spyridon Bailey (ROCOR) - https://www.youtube.com/@FatherSpyridonROCOR/videos
Roots of Orthodoxy - https://www.youtube.com/@RootsofOrthodoxy
Protecting Veil (Theologians)- https://www.youtube.com/@ProtectingVeil/videos
Orthodox Teaching of the Elders - https://www.youtube.com/@otelders/videos
Orthodox Wisdom - https://www.youtube.com/@OrthodoxWisdom/videos
Cinematic Orthodoxy - https://www.youtube.com/@CinematicOrthodoxy/videos
Orthodox Church (mostly hymns) - https://www.youtube.com/@orthodoxchurch7466/videos
The Orthodox Ethos - https://www.youtube.com/@OrthodoxEthos/videos
Theoria - https://www.youtube.com/@Theoria/videos
Bible Stories - https://www.youtube.com/@BibleStories.official/videos
Orthodox Exchange - https://www.youtube.com/@orthodoxexchange/videos
Theology Academy - https://www.youtube.com/@TheologyAcademy/videos
Virtual Sunday School - https://www.youtube.com/@annunciationorthodox/videos
Living Orthodox - https://www.youtube.com/@living_orthodox/videos
Trisagion Films - https://www.youtube.com/@Trisagionfilms/videos
Gospel Simplicity - https://www.youtube.com/@GospelSimplicity/videos
Ready to Harvest - https://www.youtube.com/@ReadyToHarvest/videos
British Movietone - https://www.youtube.com/@BritishMovietone/videos
Holy Trinity Holy Cross GOC - https://www.youtube.com/@holytrinityholycrossgoc220/videos

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