Robot Technology Is Much Further Than We Are Led To Believe

1 year ago

They pretend to do research, but all they do is distract humanity from reality. In addition to clones and hybrids, we also find robots in political and economic decision-making levels, approving decisions and we wonder why our world is the way it is.

A person with spirit and soul wouldn't play along at all. All you need is a head in the shape of a human and an artificial latex skin that covers the head and body and that's it.

There are already sophisticated Al robots that talk, run, bleed, and are virtually identical to humans both externally and internally. (Elon Musk)

Except they have no soul and no conscience. They do everything, no matter what is asked, and no one has to pay them for it.

You see them on TV or walking by on the other side of the street and you don't notice.

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