Extraterrestrial Civilizations, Emerald Tablets, Ancient Guardians, the Gog & Magog War & more

1 year ago

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – March 2, 2024

New Illustrated book covers Extraterrestrial Civilizations
JP video on Artemis Accords and life throughout our solar system
Elena Danaan webinar discusses ancient library on the Nibiru mothership, the connection with the Emerald Tablets.
An update on the UFO historical report that will be released soon by the Pentagon as required by the NDAA for 2023.
Tom DeLonge claims multiple gods are connected to UFOs and are responsible for global conflict.
Former Air Force OSI agent, Richard Doty, claims there are only five ET species visiting Earth
Credible sources tell investigative journalist Christopher Sharp that a key office in the Pentagon is stifling further UFO whistleblower testimonies from going public
The Crypto Terrestrials: Ancient Guardians of Earth's Secrets - New Webinar
John Warner IV responds to a video that the Pentagon has an odd shape due to happenstance.
Richard Dolan's video "10 Key Facts about UAP" covers worldwide UFO & USO reports, USO reports, but missing contactee and SSP reports.
5 Top Remote Viewers focus on Rapture/Harvest/Event
The Why Files cover the testimonies of several insiders about what's going on in Antarctica.
A huge treasure trove of gold plates have been found & are being released to a global alliance according to the latest JP update.
Lloyd Austin promoting NATO war with Russia in a Deep State contrived Gog and Magog War
Much speculation over this UFO sighting in Ukraine. UFOs often seen in war zones for multiple reasons
These and other stories on Exopolitics Today - The Week in Review.

Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/michaelsalla

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