Brysentia Excerpt -- Your Soul, AI, Transhumanism 02-28-24

1 year ago

During the ULB channel on February 28, 2024, Brysentia spoke at length about our Soul and I felt it was important to share this information in this shorter clip. You may have heard about this ascension as being based on the soul. This is a very important aspect of that. We each have our personal growth expansion and this is something that is a universal aspect of the ascension.
Goddess Light, LLC

02-28-24 Brysentia Excerpt -- Soul, AI, Transhuman

Shelly Dressel, channeling Brysentia during a ULB channel with all three.

Hi there! This is Shelly Dressel and the last Universal Light Being channel that I did had a massive amount of information in it and I'm taking out a 10-minute section that I feel is super duper important.

In this, Bracentia is talking about the soul, she's talking about AI, she's talking about transhumanism, she's talking about the ways in which it's so important for us all to be very aware of what is happening around us. In particular, she mentions that they've started talking about someone that they put a clip in a human brain (I meant computer chip), and she's like, nah, pay attention to what that really means. So feel free to listen to this, and let it just percolate in the back of your mind.

And let us all be very strong and present in our own soul essence and our spiritual growth. We keep saying this is a spiritual ascension, this is a big aspect of it. Thank you.

Brysentia Speaks

You have a soul. That soul comes directly from God source energy in the central sun. We speak of the central sun as in the God, the source of everything for not only this universe but multiple other universes.

As AI, if that's just the name that you use for it right now, it's been called other things and other existences. But as AI was progressing, and as AI was attempting to take over, one of the things that they wanted to take was the soul, because that cannot be given away. Your soul is yours, you may think, oh, I'm disconnected from it, oh, I don't feel it, oh, it's not there, but it is yours, and there is a thread that cannot be broken, and it is always there. So the perception sometimes that people have that they are not aligned with their soul is just that, a perception because it is there, it is always aligned, it is not going anywhere.

That being said, as these computer or machine-type entities were manifesting in different parts of the universe, there were a couple of times when they literally took out entire planets, engulfed it, disintegrated it, it went to nothing. They did this in an attempt to absorb souls so that that soul would be something that they could then replicate and make into a machine. A true soul cannot be made into a machine.

This is what you have been fighting for, for so very long! It is the consciousness, the awareness of you as your soul, that direct link that you have to your soul, and so I am going to address the fact that just recently someone put a chip in someone's brain as a means of taking them to the next level. Not good. Not good.

There have been multiple life existences when you have had chips in your brains. There have been times when you have been out in the universe and you have had chips in your brains. This is not something new when you look at the global expanse over thousands and thousands and thousands of years, but it is now trying to take effect so as to keep you from being able to go into this higher light ascension.

How many people on Earth have even heard about this happening? And if they said they have done it to one, is that really true? Or is it perhaps a dozen, or two dozen, or fifty, or more? My take on it is that it is actually more than what they are saying because listen to the individuals that are talking about this. These are not individuals that you can trust. They may have a facade, they may have a part of them that is working and doing certain things and you think, oh yeah, they're here.

They've been taken out, they've been replaced, they've been shifted, so, therefore, they are a good guy. But are there maybe two of them? Are there perhaps a facade that is showing this good guy, but they're actually not? So, this is again where you have to go back into the discernment and you have to understand and know exactly what that is. That transhumanism, which is the current word for things, which is transitioning humans into robot, it's not going to happen.

However, you have got to be very, very diligent and speak up about it and make sure people understand about it. Can you just imagine if you go into a room full of normies and say, hey, Elon Musk just put a chip in someone so that that person can now act like a human, I mean, can act like a machine? What do you think everyone's going to do? They're going to laugh their head off and then they're going to think, oh, what does that mean? So, this is all stuff that is going on that we knew was going to happen, that we have known.

Now it is, okay, sorry, I'm going to take a step back to when the draconians were here and that link into that consciousness that was feeding all of that negativity, when that was alive and when things were going on, they would put these chips into humans. They would do things to try to transition them, the bionic people, as you talk about them, to try to transition them. And then they would have fights with the draconians or the draconians would stalk them or the draconians would hunt them.

And all of that was done to see how good did it work? Can they really transition this? What type of person does this have to be? And these people had already been transitioned and shifted on so many different levels through MK altering, through changes to their physicality, through somewhat their consciousness.

But now they're beginning to talk about it and they want you to think this is great and this is another way for humanity to expand. And I just want to be very clear because I've seen it in other life existences, I've seen it on other planets, I've seen the results of this, and it does not go well for the species.

Again, the bottom line, whenever you see anything going on like this, is that they're trying to find another way to take the soul from individuals. And there have been people that they literally have separated the soul from the consciousness and they have it contained, but then when they try to integrate it or then when they try to work with it, you know, the soul is a very powerful thing. But that person that is left behind becomes a shell of themselves because their soul is still somewhere and they are still connected to it, even though those that were manipulating it think that they totally separated it.

I don't mean to be a downer. I'm simply explaining to you what this very pivotal place is that you find yourself within. And I know, I know that we are not going down that pathway of the AI that they want for you to do.

And I know that you are all shifting and moving up in your consciousness so that you will band together, be it from a collective consciousness perspective, or from a verbal individual human perspective, and you will say, no, we honor, oh boy, lots of emotion coming up. We honor, love, and respect our soul because that makes us who we are. Truth.

Okay, so something else just popped into my consciousness and this may be another way to think about it. When you think about those various movie stars, when you think about those various political people, and they seem to just change so dramatically. They were the ones that made agreements, not understanding, not knowing that what they thought was going to promote them and help them to become big stars. They were giving up that aspect of their soul or a part of it or some of it.

And so many of these have now gotten their soul back and they're now trying to reestablish their lives. How often have you looked at people recently and said, boy, they look so different from what they did two, three, four years ago because what you saw several years ago was the clone, and what you see now is the authentic person. Some of them have memory loss. They don't know what it was like. Some of them do.

So, I speak of this for your general information. I speak of this so that as you are consciously creating the life of this next level of ascension, that you remember to do so through honoring the importance of each one of you as the individual that you are, for each one of you as your alignment to your soul, which is source energy. And as you stay in that tight, connective group consciousness, nobody can take you down. Nobody can steal that aspect of you.

In addition to that, there are those that were doing that, that have already been removed from the planet. And those who kept trying to do it with experiments and some were more successful than others. But that's what's been taken out over the last four years. This is what has been, what's the word you want to use? As people go looking for it, those that understand it and know it and can take it down. They're taking these people out.

Sometimes they get removed and they go completely off planet and it's as if they never existed. Sometimes they will be shown to you through tribunals. Sometimes they will be just kept in captivity. Sometimes that captivity is not on the planet.

So a lot is happening and a lot of this information is going to come out. I invite you to just be very, very aware.

Shelly Dressel, Channeling Brysentia during a ULB channel 02-28-24.

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