Young Earth Today 2030 - Alpha vs. Beta, Got Sci-Fry?

10 months ago

Welcome to Young Earth Today 2030 - Alpha vs. Beta, Got Sci-Fry?
It is "more better" (beta) to go with Genesis as Real History (not poetry).
Of course, I'm referencing Science Friday (npr).
Today's topic is an Alpha Course booklet:
Is There a Conflict Between Science and Christianity? by Nicky Gumbel (2016 ed.).
note: Go to my site Total Youth dot US & go to the Young Earth Science blog for the linx.
The Alpha Course is a 15-session intro to Christianity. More than 10 million people have been influenced. It started with Anglican Holy Trinity Brompton in 1977.
TIME mag had an article "God vs. Science" and in it there was a quote from Paul Bloom: "Religion and science will always clash" (Gumbel, pp. 7,8). Bloom misrepresented & criticized Ben Carson in the Atlantic. Bloom is a Psychology Prof at the University of Toronto. Did Dr. Bloom separate twins connected at the head?
Ben Carson gave the Commencement Speech @ Emory University in 2012, how about Dr. Bloom? I met Dr. Carson in Midland, Texas when he was running for President.
Writing in the Atlantic, Paul Bloom claims that science is superior to faith.
Solomon was a scientist, Dr. Bloom should read 1 Kings 4:29-34.
Modern Science in the Bible by Ben Hobrink is a great resource - it was published by Simon & Schuster!!
Former evolutionist Ben Hobrink lives in the Netherlands and works with Open Doors.
He now holds to the traditional view: Creation In Six Days #CISD a Global Flood and a youthful planet.
The remedy to Brother Nicky's book is Six-Day Creation by Robert Gurney.
This is also a short book that came from Britain.

#UNBELIEVBLE ♪ #MichaelKeas #MichaelNewtonKeas #Newton #AlphaCourse #NickyGumbel #Anglican #HolyTrinityBrompton #Year1977 #SixDays #SevenDays #Genesis #God #Jesus #Bible #Science #Creationista #Mo_Beta #Genesis_is_History #YES #YoungEarthScience #Y6K

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