TheDimNews LIVE: Happy Leap Day!

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


thrasybulus 1st.

RonGreen1 I did not have sex with that fat chick, Fanny Willis. - Nathan Wade 🤣

JQuickDraw Supporter In Britain, her name means "Vagina" Willis. "Whachoo talkin' bout, Willis?"
thrasybulus @RonGreen1 You forgot the rest of the sentence. "...until after she started paying me hundreds of thousands of dollars."
thrasybulus Game/Reality show lines can blur.
thrasybulus Aiding and abetting the enemy in time of baking show.
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ her butter?
thrasybulus If your ass is too dumb to get butter, it's not my duty to aid your odds of winning money I am trying to win.
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ how fastdoes she churn?
*drives up* I'll take one pole dance to go. *throws a dollar and drives off*
thrasybulus Network television still exists?
thrasybulus House shark jump is clearly the House car into Cuddie home.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I think it's their breakup.
thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades House monogamy is doomed to fail. The car into home is the undeniable shark jump moment. You can argue for earlier, but not later.

RonGreen1 Women were born to change diapers.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Their breakup is earlier.
thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades I'm aware of that, but that is not my arguement.
thrasybulus @AlexofAllTrades I'm saying you can't argue the shark jump is later.

RonGreen1 Oscar needs some pajamas to go with those suspenders.

Guyinroom83 wow, what a long name for a duck (rip)

JQuickDraw Supporter Cat diapers and fruit rollups, Dimstream in the house.
thrasybulus Epsom salt coxxciddia (forget spelling but phonetic) butt dunks to clean cat butt aren't fun either.

Guyinroom83 I ordered a pol dance but it was just some polish guy doing a jig or something
thrasybulus First thought "Why are you all pronouncing Megaman wrong?"
Kubuddy hey hey
thrasybulus IMDB says Dune: Part Two is 2 hours, 46 minutes.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, were you going to show the Reddit cop video you posted in Discord? It was pretty funny.

Guyinroom83 damn

Guyinroom83 too long

Egerog hu
Kubuddy i haven't seen it but i heard good things I'm seeing it Monday

Egerog hi
thrasybulus F. Willis is the Fulton County DA who is trying to prosecute Trump on RICO in Georgia. Wade is her lover.

JQuickDraw Supporter The left has been showing off some facepalm level stupidity on the stand in court cases the last few years, from Amber Heard to Kyle Rittenhouse, to the Willis nonsense.
thrasybulus Wade is also the Family Court judge she hired to prosecute Trump for large amounts of money.

JQuickDraw Supporter In the Rittenhouse case, the opposing attorney literally facepalmed when his client admitted that Rittenhouse only raised his gun after he tried to shoot at him.

RonGreen1 Rambohouse. He should get a medal for shooting those child molesters.

wesley1924 Supporter+ hi
thrasybulus Butt dunk. Lowering cat butt into epsom salt water to wash off kitty rear ends.

RonGreen1 Itust be snowing in Arizona.

RonGreen1 *It must
Kubuddy when AI is allowed to drive

JQuickDraw Supporter All that for one dude

JQuickDraw Supporter Tax dollars hard at work lol

Guyinroom83 man some of these cops in these videos seem literally retarded
thrasybulus Dog: Person, person, person, squirrel, person.
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ the fuck are you cunts watching?
thrasybulus @WinkyWankyWoo PoPo footage.
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ no
Kubuddy also the dog, fuck this guy i saw a squirrel!
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ HUMAN ASH? OR HUMAN ASS?

JQuickDraw Supporter Also the dog: Let's get this asshole! Wait, are you on my side?

RonGreen1 The best car chase was the guy who did the 180 turns on the freeway after getting pitted.
thrasybulus Some of the human ash was human ass once.

JQuickDraw Supporter @thrasybulus That's like that beautiful saying about us all being stardust. "Don't be sad, Billy. We were all ass once."
thrasybulus That was probably a fun debrief.
Kubuddy ding dong the mitch is gone

JQuickDraw Supporter We should all freeze uncomfortably for a couple of minutes in honor of Mitch McConnell.
thrasybulus Houthis targeting underwater sea cables.
Kubuddy moment of buffer

Guyinroom83 dont remember hearing about this guy
Kubuddy serial the podcast was about him

JQuickDraw Supporter I've read too much stupid shit about the government. I think they should be held to a higher standard of evidence than normal citizens, because they lie and cheat.
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ serial killers arent even a thing now
Kubuddy 80% of people should go free using the standard of guilty beyond all reasonable doubt
Kubuddy but people are dumb
thrasybulus @SomeBitchIKnow Did a dig on Stacy Abrahms bro-in-law whose conviction was vacated after decades because a forensics guy involved with the case. He had been in prison long enough that people involved
thrasybulus in the case were too old and dead to retry him.
Kubuddy hes probably guilty, but should be free
thrasybulus Gardner was in prison in Fla when WVa extradited him for what he was vacated for. After release he marries a federal judge, and is arrested igain in Fla for nasty stuff.

RonGreen1 Half the people in prison are innocent. Every prosecutor is a politician that wants to be in a higher office. Look how many Congress people are former prosecutors.
Kubuddy agreed, but people who understand the standard will never get on a jury

wesley1924 Supporter+ That's the most guilty beard I've ever seen.

JQuickDraw Supporter that's because you're innocent UNTIL shown to be guilty

JQuickDraw Supporter You don't have to be proven innocent. It's assumed.
Kubuddy personally, i dont think he did it alone IF he did it
Kubuddy sure, but 18 year olds are crazy

RonGreen1 Every jury is made up of people too dumb to get out of jury duty.
OakPoke Supporter his name I'd Fnan. Guilty
Kubuddy I disagree Ron, id love be be on a jury but id never be allowed to be
OakPoke Supporter Good evening Beverly and Alex
OakPoke Supporter Jury duty is a duty, really.

Guyinroom83 jury duty suckssss.

JQuickDraw Supporter I would start a bruhaha on a jury for sure. "He's being charged with simple possession? Not guilty. Sorry not sorry."

Guyinroom83 i never listened to serial, also never watched making a murderer. whenever 'everyone' likes something it makes me go, ugh nevermind, idk why
Kubuddy cuz you are too cool, obviously.

Guyinroom83 yea. too cool for it. im like, goth and stuff.
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ For ALex
OakPoke Supporter Often possession charges are just a plea down to lesser charger. Rarely was that all that was going on

Guyinroom83 but i also heard people divided about the making a murderer dude also. and maybe saying he's on the spectrum

Guyinroom83 literally everyone gets called autistic now
OakPoke Supporter dated a gal who did financial contracts, she got a couple days jury duty going over financial crimes...

RonGreen1 Last week the vice cops showed up at my door. I told them I didn't remember having a good time.😂

Guyinroom83 did you give her an oakpoke
Kubuddy that's really surprising
thrasybulus Reminder: A Murder in the Park, a documentary about a conviction being overturned because of a journalism class investigation, possibly freeing the murderer and framing an innocent man exists.

JQuickDraw Supporter And id doesn't matter what the judge says, you can say not guilty. The judge often lies about having to follow the law.

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw what are you some kinda commie? in my day we trusted the law and government.

JQuickDraw Supporter They've domesticated the dangerous American into purse dogs who listen to experts and do as they're told.
OakPoke Supporter Most nullification seems to sadly be blacks letting obviously guilty blacks off on very serious crimes.

Guyinroom83 yeah same with me erl. ive been trying to do that less though, bc it makes you not able to talk about it when others are
OakPoke Supporter aka "Bronx jury"

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Not a commie, an anarchist, because I have more than two brain cells :)

Guyinroom83 true, thats what oj's trial was
OakPoke Supporter Federal Government is pretty brutal with charges. Especially poliitcla , right of center
thrasybulus My favorite stuff it story was the guy who received mail, got a letter from the IRS saying he owed $15. He wrote back and said...

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw sounds like a commie to me son. we fought for uncle sam in my day.

JQuickDraw Supporter The entire judicial system is broken. It's in the law itself, people have the right to a prompt trial, and without having to pay exorbitant amounts of money for the privilege of being on trial.
thrasybulus "I'm in Bastogne (under siege by the Germans). If you want to arrest me, come get me." He remarks about it, "I never heard back about it."

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Well I'm close. I am willing to fight WITH Uncle Sam.

Guyinroom83 im actually pro framing innocent people.
thrasybulus It would appear they framed the innocent guy. Screwed up the investigation. Claimed the police screwed up the crime scene but didn't realize the park had been renovated in the interim.
thrasybulus I've mentioned it before on your stream.

Guyinroom83 so many movies and shows have the cops never solving it, and then the characters have to skirt the law to actually solve stuff
thrasybulus Can he step down sooner please?

RonGreen1 Mitch is married to a Chinese communist.

Guyinroom83 hahaha. what are his accomplishments?... he froze a few times
thrasybulus At least he has done some good work with regard to Supreme Court appointments. Imagine Justice Merrick Garland instead of a Trump appointee.

Guyinroom83 yeah the right is succeeding at doing nothing to the bidens

RonGreen1 The entire Congress should do the Mitch Dance.

Guyinroom83 feinstein had to step down
Kubuddy Thrasybulus, yeah everyone hated roe...

Guyinroom83 i mean bidens almost as bad as feinstein got

RonGreen1 Nancy is 83 . Mitch is 82
Kubuddy and he hates trump
thrasybulus Nancy wanted less cameras on things like her hubby drunk driving or having a drugged up, mentally unstable, illegal in his bedroom.

RonGreen1 Mitch may have to move to Arizona to thaw out.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter I hate congress, and this still kinda feels disrespectful lol.

Guyinroom83 hes been doing great at freezing into mini strokes live on camera lately, gotta admit
thrasybulus @Kubuddy Roe was such sloppy work. At least do the work well even if I disagree with it.
WinkyWankyWoo Supporter+ so does the 29th actually exist?

JQuickDraw Supporter Of all the things to cause a snortgasm storm, Mitch mcConnell? I missed that one on my bingo card.
thrasybulus Or if I agree.

Guyinroom83 leap day? mitch isn't gonna be leaping any time soon

JQuickDraw Supporter You should rename this stream "The Comedy Stylings of Mitch McConnell"
thrasybulus Just wait until @AlexofAllTrades is reminded of Mitch's childhood polio. She'll laugh so hard she'll need new pants.
Kubuddy @thrasybulus sloppy doesn't mean a the wrong call, brown was sloppy but also morally correct

RonGreen1 Remember when Nancy did the 9 minute knee for George Floyd and couldn't get up.🤣

JQuickDraw Supporter I guess whatever you did on the penis renaming stream lol
thrasybulus @Kubuddy I want it do be done well regardless of if I agree or disagree.

Guyinroom83 @ron wow i dont think i heard that

Guyinroom83 'kente cloth'

Guyinroom83 good ol' freeze and fall mitch
thrasybulus @Guyinroom83 Nothing like opposing racial injustice by wearing slavers garb.
Kubuddy @thrasybulus tell that to all the knots the current court is tying them selves in to put forth the opinions they want, "we are originalist... to the 1700s if needed to support our arguments"
thrasybulus Black saviour complex engaged.

Guyinroom83 ... Yeah that's corny as hell

Guyinroom83 Ugh. Nevermind I like it now then

JQuickDraw Supporter Hahaha feminism, treating women like children since the 19th century.
Kubuddy here's the thing, men are awful

JQuickDraw Supporter How about using your mind and having some situational awareness, and making an informed decision as an intelligent adult. Sorry, just kidding, women shouldn't talk to strangers.
thrasybulus I remember when there was a giant uptick in female suicides and there was a big push to address the issue. Inspite of the fact that the uptick raised the percent of suicides to 25% female, 75% male.

Guyinroom83 🙄

Guyinroom83 Some men are awful. Some women are awful

JQuickDraw Supporter And some people are awful . . . nice. See what I did there?
thrasybulus Men and women are both awful. Call me an egalitarian.
Kubuddy lol

Guyinroom83 Lok

JQuickDraw Supporter I imagined that she turns to him, and he's staring at her like SHE'S crazy, because she was having that conversation with herself out loud.

Guyinroom83 Jump! :end of commercial message: stop second guessing yourself. Just jump. Accomplish your goal!

Guyinroom83 Just do it .. like Nike says.
thrasybulus 'What if I say the wrong thing?' "You won't." 'Excuse me, but did you know you are the perpetrator of patriarchial oppression according to @silentactgreat?'

Guyinroom83 @thrasybulus :suicidal guy: oh... i am? ok :jumps:
Kubuddy some women are awful, and i've experienced it but the fact that 95% of the ladies in my life have been assaulted by men isn't ignorable

JQuickDraw Supporter When it comes to domestic violence, women are the abuser roughly half the time IIRC, but every show I see portrays those situations with the evil guy hitting the woman.
thrasybulus @HoboEater needs to learn to grab her firearm on the way out of the door when there is animal commotion.

Guyinroom83 ive known/met guys who were abused by their partner. mainly emotional but some physical. yeah men still do it more, but also men don't report nearly as much when women abuse them
thrasybulus If you remember who the most manipulative kids in your classes were as a kid, it was almost always a female.

RonGreen1 Smart men keep cards and small gifts in their toolbox for those moments when the little woman flies off the handle.

Guyinroom83 im on golden shower alert

JQuickDraw Supporter "Baby, you got the bedroom moves. I'm on Orange Alert down in the pantaloon region."
OakPoke Supporter Workin' on our night moves Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news Workin' on our night moves

Guyinroom83 remember the 'terror alert levels' during the iraq war era? don't miss those
OakPoke Supporter Oh yeah. Threat level orange or what not

RonGreen1 All married men should use the terror alert system.👍
thrasybulus Person: Everyone I've ever dated has done (insert bad thing here) to me. Reply: And the common denominator is who?
thrasybulus Single sided domestic abuse is almost always female on male IIRC.

RonGreen1 Pro tip: When walking with your girl, hold her hand so she can't smack you.
thrasybulus I remember Shoe On Head doing a video where she just reversed the pronouns on articles about teachers having sex with underage students. Really showed how much we talk about it differently.

JQuickDraw Supporter The family court system is severely broken. I've read of female teachers raping underage male students and getting pregnant, and when the boys turn 18, the state requires them to pay child support.

Guyinroom83 i think its bc there's a whole cycle of abuse. predator sees someone who seems more submissive, so the submissive person keeps getting with these predator types. they may not even realize it

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw wow
thrasybulus Because there is only enough blood for one of the two brains a man has. The one in his head or the one in his pants.
thrasybulus I remember the book Fortunate Son, an autobiography, when the author is in the hospital in Vietnam after being wounded. His roommate is in a coma and he nurses are bragging about using his big member.
thrasybulus Female juvenile corrections officers abuse male inmates more than people realize.
thrasybulus Do we have any good statistics on Made To Penetrate?

RonGreen1 I read that Hispanic families have a higher percentage of child sexual abuse than other people.

JQuickDraw Supporter Sometimes the woman will tell the man that she will say he raped her if he doesn't go along.
thrasybulus Males from around 13 to 30+ get erect relatively easily.
thrasybulus Males testosterone levels don't begin to drop until around 25+.
OakPoke Supporter turkey baster wow
OakPoke Supporter I'll have to remember that hack...

JQuickDraw Supporter Turkey Bae-ster, Turkey Babester

JQuickDraw Supporter Great moments in Beverly's note taking: "Dick. Hole."
OakPoke Supporter Statue of candle libert
OakPoke Supporter liberty

JQuickDraw Supporter It's an ejaculating penis. Or I'm perverted. not sure which.
thrasybulus Tower?
thrasybulus @HillbillyErl Knows she doesn't draw well enough to have done that.
thrasybulus Define Harmful and Hate for me please?
OakPoke Supporter right of center that they wish to imprison
OakPoke Supporter They just locked up Sam something in England.
thrasybulus Irish protest politicians. Politicians propose new law to restrict speech.
OakPoke Supporter Locked up Sven longshanks aka james alchurch inside the last year...for "hate"...they admit no victim, no one complained, just an activist group
OakPoke Supporter Apparently Ireland doesn't look Irish anymore...
thrasybulus "A non-crime hate incident" shows up on background checks people do for jobs so people don't get hired.

RonGreen1 Online hate speech laws should just be called, sit down, shut up, and do what you're told.
OakPoke Supporter Beverly, if you + husband want to see the traditional Ireland...good documentaries here.
OakPoke Supporter
thrasybulus @MurderGoose2028 needs to ask if the SciFi channel miniseries was better.
thrasybulus Illegal trespass?

JQuickDraw Supporter tresspassing?

RonGreen1 If you don't have your gun, just throw dice at them.

Guyinroom83 do DnD spells to them
thrasybulus Russia did take Berlin and a decent chunk of Europe from the Germans.
OakPoke Supporter Ole Patton said they were just being given the cities. He was furious. He wanted fuel to liberate the cities, protect em from the soviets
thrasybulus After the Germans got deep into Russia after breaking their alliance and invaded before the Russians could do it to them.
OakPoke Supporter I just agree w/ patton on that whole thing

JQuickDraw Supporter If you throw a handful of DnD dice at someone's head, you could possibly cause critical damage. Yes, I am proud of myself. :r+rickroll:
thrasybulus Like google isn't tracking where your IP comes from.
thrasybulus Programs operate as they are programmed to operate.
thrasybulus Was there no alpha or beta testing?
thrasybulus That explains all those Asian female Confederate soldiers...

Guyinroom83 exactly

RonGreen1 Ask Google for founding fathers eating watermelon.😂
thrasybulus If I ask for an axe to chop with and you hand me a wrench...
thrasybulus It's not like I asked for a hammer, we didn't have one so you handed me a wrench because it would do the job the best.
thrasybulus It's the internet. It always comes back to Nazis.
thrasybulus The more regulation you put in place the higher the bar for their upstart competitors.
thrasybulus Can we just create an AI solely to hunt and destroy all other AIs in perpetuity?

Guyinroom83 yeah bc its you and your family in your own home FFS

Guyinroom83 cheri DiBimbo
OakPoke Supporter Alex, kitty needs some attention. Give her love
thrasybulus Kitty needs a moving string.

RonGreen1 I had a Great Pyrenees that would ride in the back of the truck, and stick his head through the back slider and drool on my shoulder.
thrasybulus Titany Spears.
OakPoke Supporter Not her largers there, I don't think...
OakPoke Supporter She had put some weight on, I think...I say that because a gf's older sister said she was too heavy to wear something @ a concert
OakPoke Supporter i didn't know, didn't care, wasn't my music
OakPoke Supporter we're healthier thin anyway. a cigarette society is probably better than a type 2 diabetes society.
thrasybulus Now we need to teach girls they are not their instagram filters.
OakPoke Supporter That poster is a subversive

Guyinroom83 Yeah the media was non stop slamming her at that period
OakPoke Supporter I think that poster is probably a CCP style account...really...can't believe i'm pushing that, but, there is something off about that account
thrasybulus Models are tall, flat chested, thin because it is easier for runway shows. That and gay clothes designers prefer girls that look like boys.
OakPoke Supporter I remember they hated Spears because she said something positive about Bush when he was i thought they tried to destroy her then
thrasybulus Stick figures!? What is this, Art School?
thrasybulus Released into the country by DHS, released by NYC, released by Athens, GA.
OakPoke Supporter It's pretty sick

RonGreen1 The prosecutor in that county has never won a jury trial. The case has been given to a special prosecutor.
OakPoke Supporter The cheap gym has a lot of long as it's not too vibrant

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly stuffing fruit rollups in her mouth, chewing loudly, "See, jogging is not good for you. mmm strawberry, what was I saying?"
OakPoke Supporter I miss fruit roll ups...some day i'll buy a box. 7,8,9,10 bucks, whatever a box is
thrasybulus If I pay for two seats, I'm putting my feet up on seat #2.

RonGreen1 I once had a seat next to a lady with a crying baby dressed in a bunny suit.😂
OakPoke Supporter I think ppl didn't notice cig smell as much when it was everywhere in the theory
thrasybulus We used to have a problem with height-weight standards in the Marines. Some guys would get fat, but mostly lifting weights to get strong enough to wear all our gear meant we would get "overweight"...

JQuickDraw Supporter lol I'm not a fruit rollup aficionado, is there a certain brand you think is really good?
OakPoke Supporter Jquick...Idk, seem to think there was only one brand back in the day
thrasybulus ...Nothing like wearing 40+ pounds of gear at all times for long time periods.
OakPoke Supporter They told us to try and make your neck wider
OakPoke Supporter push tongue to top of mouth to make neck wider...idk if it works, i assume it does
thrasybulus The tape test Neck vs waist ratio.
thrasybulus I would do some neck movements to increase bloodflow to my neck then tense my neck muscles during it.
OakPoke Supporter Nice. Getting your pump on. That makes sense.

RonGreen1 Play us a tune, Alex.
thrasybulus How many people talk about learning a language by watching a particular show? I know I've seen at least two people talk about learning English by watching Friends.
OakPoke Supporter I've come by stories where people have , at least to some degree, by watching american TV
OakPoke Supporter I tried learning Norwegian with Lilyhammer series...kinda like a Sopranos spin off in Norway. Weird but funny
thrasybulus There is a joke about the Loeb Classical Library the books with Greek/Latin on the page on the left English on the right. The English was there to teach classics students how bad translations can be.
thrasybulus Not a ot of people are mentioning the ripoff of the S Vietnamese monks. If you can't come up with an original idea you may as well greenlight subpar remakes in Hollywood.
OakPoke Supporter makes sense
thrasybulus It's banned because the English outlawed it. Damn colonial oppressors.
OakPoke Supporter The english talked about working to stamp the practice out.
OakPoke Supporter @thrasybulus lol exactly

RonGreen1 Joan of Arc
thrasybulus Suicide and being "martyred" by execution are different things.
OakPoke Supporter The pants remind me of the crazy violent Mountain people from South America
OakPoke Supporter Same pants as those crazy criminals...i forget, but vice did a documentary there about fighting
thrasybulus Is it the pants or the liking rap music?
thrasybulus Pinata pants? Cultural appropriators are modern witches. Burn them.
thrasybulus Toss them on the funeral pyres of the victims of colonial oppression.

RonGreen1 Dancing at a gas station. That's very feminine and ladylike.
OakPoke Supporter deport all rap music
thrasybulus If I don't like your music, I don't want you playing it around me. I assume you might be the same. Downgrades my willingness to live with/marry you.
OakPoke Supporter Woody lost the best, but he won in the race war

Guyinroom83 I know. I never understood the people who get in the mood from music

RonGreen1 Alex prefers romance. Wining and dining. Not of that one night stand stuff for her.
OakPoke Supporter The girls dancing, their outfit, the pants, reminded me of these Peruvians.

Guyinroom83 Yeah that's getting into dirty dancing parents territory

Guyinroom83 Its the devil's music!

Guyinroom83 Erl's sounding like a real whore. Moving around with headphones on??
thrasybulus They were outside the home without a male, family member to escort them. Haram!

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol
thrasybulus They trust men to find her attractive enough to try to sleep with her.

Guyinroom83 Ummm... Not liking queen bey is impossible.

Guyinroom83 Beyonce hires 700 writers per song anyway
thrasybulus Beyonce is a descendant of a white slave owner. Her white privilage is strong.
OakPoke Supporter Kim hit really hard as a student
OakPoke Supporter Never heard anything that dark

Guyinroom83 I have way less accessible music on mine . It's mostly Gregorian fart singing from the 1500s
OakPoke Supporter Don't forget to get some throat singing on there
thrasybulus I remember being in a theater and the trailer for 8 Mile was played. One guy said, "Straight to video." The people who heard laughed in agreement.

Guyinroom83 Eminem actually literally killed a woman during the recording of Kim, fyi . Dark AF.
OakPoke Supporter Straight to video because it was going to be too violent, or too stupid? ...Could be wrong, seem to think it was a popular enough movie. I didn't like it though

RonGreen1 The original Nightwish combined rock music with an opera singer. They were awesome.
thrasybulus @OakPoke Stupid. The trailer was played in the theater. So the movie wasn't going to come out for months.
OakPoke Supporter That's a rad instrument
OakPoke Supporter Thras, gotcha
thrasybulus Harp with pre-electric loudspeaker.
OakPoke Supporter You ladies don't know Kim by Eminem?
OakPoke Supporter maybe i'm not remembering it
OakPoke Supporter correctly

Guyinroom83 those shoes look horribly ugly btw. politics taken out of it

Guyinroom83 he probably designed it himself, i mean his taste in food is just mcdonalds
thrasybulus There are no black sneakerheads. Scarcity can increase value.

Guyinroom83 wow i didn't know that. i bet they purposely made them gold bc of that then
thrasybulus Gold is a symbol of wealth.
OakPoke Supporter Kim was on the marshal mathers LP. I just remember hearing it and being surprised it was allowed to exist on a CD.
OakPoke Supporter "They'll put rims on a toaster, if you let them" (Chris Rock)

Guyinroom83 @oak

Guyinroom83 lol
OakPoke Supporter :)
thrasybulus Wolf pup wants horse meat.

Guyinroom83 the comic patrice o neal once said blacks will have pimped out cars, stereos, but totally shit apartments
thrasybulus Horses are not small creatures.
thrasybulus Dance is sexual. Shaking T&A is sexual to men watching. Sorry.
OakPoke Supporter Patrice sounds about right
thrasybulus Fun? What is this word?

JQuickDraw Supporter Because "woke" is really a far right conspiracy to get minorities to self-segregate, gay people to self-sterilize, and women to not sleep with men out of marriage.

Guyinroom83 in this case the dancing didnt look at all sexual to me and like they said, a festival or something

Guyinroom83 its not even a club
thrasybulus Grifter implies that someone doesn't believe in what they are selling. Does putting red pill stuff out there make you a grifter?

JQuickDraw Supporter Hmmm, I can save my child, or maybe the mother of my children, or people I don't know. Hell, it could be Mother Theresa, and I would still choose my wife or child.

Egerog Trolly problem is just what statist use to justify murder of innocent
OakPoke Supporter I would save the nazis and clan members

Egerog Trolly problem assumes perfect knowledge which is never a real life and death situation.

MudderFetcher aren't we all just morally equivalent
thrasybulus All cultures are the same. CNN says so. Or at least it used to.
thrasybulus The 6 6s. 6ft tall, 6 figure income, 6 figure car, 6 figure home, 6 pack abs, and 6 inch penis. These are all minimums.

MudderFetcher everyone should know how to make 3 meals from scratch

JQuickDraw Supporter It's actually a 6 inch girth, so you feel like you're giving birth lol.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator lol

MudderFetcher ye ole flatty
thrasybulus It's not like there is a US Supreme Court case involving this bakery and they are just repeatedly targeted. They just bake the cake you bigot.

MudderFetcher it's just a bleeding stigmata cake what's the problem?
OakPoke Supporter They're obviously doing it, hoping they'll refuse, so they can sue. The annoying leftists should be put in prison for harassment.

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher You cut into the yellow cake hands and the strawberry filling spills out

MudderFetcher their sexuality is often their entire personality...which is my main problem

JQuickDraw Supporter When I die, I want a life-sized realistic looking cake of myself for people to eat at the wake, and everyone will have to cut into me to take their own slice.
thrasybulus There was some survey of self admitted promiscuous female college students and like 19 out of 20 (small sample size joke here) said girth was more important than length.

JQuickDraw Supporter Awwww yeah

MudderFetcher Vagina Facts!

Guyinroom83 mine is 11" long. But .5 inches wide.

JQuickDraw Supporter There should be a shortened version of Cunt Corner, for little fun factoids. Maybe call it Gash Nuggets, or Slit Tidbits.

Guyinroom83 Again, how does someone know this.

MudderFetcher I heard "wonder penis" instead of "longer penis" and it was a lot more fun sounding
OakPoke Supporter We might need a demonstration...

MudderFetcher it's just the tip of vagina facts
thrasybulus Oh yeah...

JQuickDraw Supporter So you're saying microdick losers have hope? Asking for a friend.
OakPoke Supporter It's i'll demonstrate. Just the tip, sure...just a coupe times to demonstrate c'mon

MudderFetcher who all needs popcorn and lube?

JQuickDraw Supporter Vagina Disses: You've been serv-ixed!"
thrasybulus Women are more likely to orgasm from clitoral than vaginal orgasm.
Kubuddy wang of wonder

RonGreen1 Alex's day job is writing for Encyclopedia Britannica.

JQuickDraw Supporter Clitoral, Vaginal, and...?
OakPoke Supporter Three types, huh.

MudderFetcher Bootyhole-io

MudderFetcher Wonder Wang
thrasybulus Wang Woom

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User :r+dab:

Guyinroom83 alex doesn't have a penis. only those with lived penis experience should speak on it.

Guyinroom83 brain cumming

JQuickDraw Supporter Should you spit or swallow brain cum? What's the proper etiquette?

Guyinroom83 you just have to be careful, don't blow your nose after a brain cum. comes right out

Guyinroom83 lol

MudderFetcher the leader of the Free World

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't buy it. They made Biden too alert and coherent.

Guyinroom83 hahaha
thrasybulus It's not real. He doesn't have an Inside the Actor's Studio sized pile of cue cards.
OakPoke Supporter Good for the wops
OakPoke Supporter The Italians nailed it.

Guyinroom83 russia did one before too i think with kamala and biden

Guyinroom83 this one was better

MudderFetcher it's just the entire world making fun of our totally legit elections
OakPoke Supporter yep

Guyinroom83 wtf, wow. i didnt know they made that noise
thrasybulus Those birds just honk and harass that man.

MudderFetcher this is Beverly and The Ginger every morning

RonGreen1 Heckled by a penguin.🤣
thrasybulus More govt, pro bird, propaganda.
OakPoke Supporter Hope you guys have a good night

MudderFetcher "Wake-up, you're 40 and everything hurts worse."

Guyinroom83 The movie pi
OakPoke Supporter The movie Pi was a weeeeeiiiird one
OakPoke Supporter Tried to watch Pi a few times, but just fell asleep. Was that entire movie in black & white?

MudderFetcher Coco...she had a kitten
thrasybulus Are there any movies about the 3rd Battalion, 14th Regiment of the Marine Corps? Often referred to as three fourteen.
thrasybulus Keri Russel

MudderFetcher Paradigpiadarim

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Alex's Stripe for Donations - Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -
OakPoke Supporter French Silk Pie for the win

MudderFetcher the key limes are very small
OakPoke Supporter Cheesecake is tasty.
thrasybulus When is Chapterhouse Dune? I haven't read it in 20 years. Perhaps a reread is due.

JQuickDraw Supporter Later Gators
OakPoke Supporter Night everyone

JQuickDraw Supporter :r+leotoast:

MudderFetcher O7
OakPoke Supporter 07

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