Exodus 20:13 - The 6th Commandment - Honor Life (do not murder)

10 months ago

The sixth commandment seems pretty cut and dry, “You shall not murder” (NIV), “Thou shalt not kill” (KJV), but is it really that simple? Is capital punishment murder? Is killing someone during war murder? Is abortion murder? What does Jesus have to say about murder? All this and more we discuss in this week’s through the Bible study of Exodus chapter 20.

02:31 - Exodus 20.13, “You shall not murder” (NIV), “Thou shalt not kill” (KJV)
02:52 - word study: rāṣaḥ רָצַח: to murder, slay, kill, dash in pieces, Gen 4.8
04:03 - Is capital punishment murder?
Gen 9.6; Ex 21.12-14; Lev 20.2, Ex 21.22-25; Deut 17.6; Ex 22.2
08:24 - Is killing during war murder?
Deut 20.1-4; Gen 15.13-16; Ezek 21; Isa 10.5
11:29 - Hacksaw Ridge staring Andrew Garfield as Desmond Doss.
14:09 - Is abortion murder? Gen 1.26-27 & 9.6; Jer. 1.5; Psa 139.1-14; 1 Jn 1.9-10
22:17 - What does Jesus say about murder? Mat 5.21-26; 1 Jn 3.11-15; Rom 13.8-10; Luke 6.45

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Books used or referenced:

Dave reads from an NIV (New International Version) of the Bible.

Anders, Max, Holman Old Testament Commentary, Exodus. Nashville: B&H Publishing, 2002.

Courson, Jon. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary Old Testament Vol. 1. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2005.

Enns, Peter. The NIV Application Commentary, Exodus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2000.

Wiersbe, Warren W.. The Bible Exposition Commentary, Old Testament, The Pentateuch. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2001. https://www.christianbook.com/the-bible-exposition-commentary-6-volumes/warren-wiersbe/9786125030474/pd/030474?event=ESRCG

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