Chole Cole: Do Not Affirm Your Child

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Chloe Cole has a powerful statement for those parents who are going though this crazy outside gender influences being pushed on their children.

"If you're dealing with this with your own child right now, Do Not Affirm. Do not affirm this in any capacity. Do not affirm their preferred name, their preferred pronouns. Do not call them by the opposite sex or whatever they identify as.

Because if you concede any ground you're feeding, this idea that your child has, that the way that they were made was wrong and that it has to be fixed, it's a Lie. No child is born the wrong body, and no child deserves to believe that.

You have to affirm their identity as they were made! You have to talk with us. You have to talk through this with them. You have to have those hard conversations with them, no matter how uncomfortable, because your child is relying on you to build their identity, to help them become mature adults who can live life to the fullest.

You should be asking them, where are these feelings coming from? Why do you think that the way that you're made was wrong? Why do you think that you have to change and you have to be their Rock in Reality." ~ Chloe Cole ~

Interview with Eugene Delgaudio, President of Public Advocate of the U.S.

#ChloeCole #Truth #PublicAdvocate #EugneneDelgaudo #affirm #DoNotAffirm #DoNoHarm #transgender #detransitioner #detrans #community

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