Man On Stilts Pulls Off Amazing Trick, Immediately Fails

6 years ago

Do not let the grainy quality of this video take away from the quality of the content within the video. Trust us, this whole thing is fairly impressive.

Doing any kind of movement on stilts is remarkable, but doing backflips from a pole? Amazing.

We start from a place of interest just from a visual tableau standpoint. Two stilters, or stiltwalkers, we aren't entirely certain on the terminology. We have seen both. To be fair, both of those words sound like something you'd in a fantasy novel. Anyway, a man and a woman on stilts are standing underneath a metal monkey bar system on a beach during a gray, windy day. A third man on stilts has hooked his legs over one of the bars. He positions himself so that he is hanging upside down and facing back toward his fellow stilt wearers. It takes a lot of effort.

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