Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 Metalhead

1 year ago

Today we open a turtle robot. Metal head comes with a red fireball like missile. It seems like the missile was meant to launch from his hand but there is no spring inside the hand and there is no tension holding the missile to make it launch out of the hand when pushed out from the back. Metalhead's head is on a ball joint giving him a good range on the head. This figure has limited arm articulation on the arms. There are swivels on the shoulders and the wrists similar to the original turtle figures. The legs have swivel hinges at the waist, hinges at the knee and swivels on the ankles. I like the design of the body and the sculpt in general. The paint is decent though there are some sloppy spots and missing paint on the sides of the head. The shell on the back being a shaped NYC Sewer cover is a really cool detail. I really like this figure a lot more than I thought I would. I hope you enjoyed the video. Thank you for watching. Take it easy.

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