BREAKING: TRUMP calls Gov Abott for VICE PRESIDENTšŸ”„Trump, Abbott, Elon Musk attacks BIDEN for BORDER

1 year ago

US Immigration.

Trump, Abbott & Elon Musk ATTACK BIDEN for BORDER CRISIS. Trump calls Gov Abott for Vice President.

Texas Border Battle. Texas prepared in ā€˜unlikely eventā€™ Biden federalizes National Guard.

Border standoff between Texas, feds intensifies as governor defies Supreme Court ruling. Texas arresting Migrants. "This is not over," Texas Governor Abbott said in a social media post.

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court siding with the Department of Homeland Security to allow federal border officials to cut state-installed razor wire along the Rio Grande, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and state Attorney General Ken Paxton said the larger legal battle between Texas and the Biden administration is far from settled. Texas keeps adding Razor wires.

Texas state Law Passes Allowing State Police to Arrest Immigrants.

The Texas House passed legislation earlier making it a state crime to illegally cross the southern border, empowering state and local police to arrest and in some cases deport illegal immigrants, in what the billā€™s supporters claim is a response to federal inaction.

Senate Bill 4 gives local and state government the authority to arrest illegal immigrants who enter Texas from Mexico between official ports of entry. Under SB 4, those who unlawfully cross the border can be charged with a state misdemeanor and face up to one year in prison. A felony charge, carrying a maximum sentence of 20 years, can be leveled if illegal immigrants are charged with additional crimes or donā€™t comply with a judgeā€™s orders.

The bill also authorizes state judges to deport illegal aliens to Mexico rather than pursue prosecution under federal law. After getting approval from the Texas senate last week, the latest version of SB 4 now heads to Republican governor Greg Abbottā€™s desk, where he is expected to sign it into law.

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