Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Interview 02/23/2024

1 year ago

This video was sent to us as we were about to go live. It appears to be in preparation for an official announcement of the death of King Charles.

The White Dragon Society has a message for US President Donald Trump: Put up or shut up. If Trump is commander in chief of the US military and the 2020 election was stolen, then what is he doing promising change in November instead of now? Why is the Biden horror show still going on? Many people like Steve Bannon and Field Marshall in waiting for Douglas MacGregor are asking similar questions.

MacGregor warns the US Congress wants to let illegal migrants serve

in the US Military. “When your potential enemies infiltrate your own defense mechanism, you’re basically screwed,” a Pentagon source warns.

From Field Marshal Macgregor:

Also, Rep. Byron Donalds is calling for President Biden to retire or face removal, stating that “Kamala Harris needs to lead the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Now Italian TV is openly mocking Joe Biden….

So why is he still there? The answer is the Khazarian Mafia is playing for time, saying “Trump will get the bad guys in November so please wait until then.”

Here for example you can watch Dem. Senator Chuck Schumer get caught on a hot mic saying, “I know I can blame Republicans and MAGA, I’m a pro.” He is talking with the fake masked Biden about delaying legislation.

If you see someone claiming to be Donald Trump, ask him why he does not arrest Biden immediately. Also ask: Will you be holding war crimes tribunals for the vaccine criminals? Also, ask him if he is going to stage a jubilee and return the $363,000 that was stolen from each and every American via central bank fraud. If he answers yes, then he is the real deal. If he answers no or evades the question, then he is an actor playing Pied Piper to the patriots by leading them away from real action.

Remember, there is a fake Trump out there trying to ruin the reputation of the real deal and a real patriot.

We need to act now because multiple sources warn the KM have some sort of horrific slaughter planned for April which they will try to blame on a meteorite. That means we need to finish them off before then. Who is them? Here is a partial list of people who need to be arrested immediately:

1. Hillary Clinton Rockefeller

2. Bill Clinton Rockefeller

3. Nancy Pelosi

4. John Podesta Rockefeller

5. John Brennan

6. James Comey

7. Maxine Waters

8. Adam Schiff

9. Hunter Biden

10. George W. Bush

11. Dr. Anthony Fauci

12. Huma Abedin

13. Bill Gates

14. Anthony Wiener

15. Alex Soros

16. Lindsey Graham

17. Mitch McConnell

18. Kevin McCarthy

19. Chuck Schumer

20. Kamala Harris

21. Robert Mueller

22. Mike Pence

23. Joe Biden

24. James Clapper

24. Lloyd Austin

25. Liz Cheney

26. John Kerry

27. Justin Castrudeau

28. Loretta Lynch

29. Andrew McCabe

30. Peter Strzok

31. Lisa Page

32. James Baker

33. Eric Holder

34. Tony Podesta Rockefeller

35. Susan Rice

36. Harry Reid

37. Paul Ryan

38. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

39. Sally Yates

40. Mitt Romney

41. Jerry Nadler

42. Klaus Schwab Rothschild

43. Michelle Obama

44. Barack Obama

45 Sally Yates

46. Andrew Cuomo

47. Herbert Raymond McMaster

48. Deborah Birx

48. Mark Zuckerberg

49. Nikki Haley

50. Vladimir Zelensky

51. David Rockefeller Jr.

52. Chrystia Freeland

53 Ursula von der Leyen

54. Olaf Sholz

55. Emanuelle Macron Rothschild

56. Brigitte Macron Rothschild

57. Rishi Sunak

58. Rahm Emanuel

This is just a partial list. Any politician or public figure who supports the provenly genocidal and Satanic regimes of Ukraine (=Khazaria)

and Netanyahu Israel has self-identified as a war criminal. These people must be arrested immediately. Also, if any company like Google, Apple or Microsoft is caught putting out computer graphics to make it look like these people still hold positions of power, then the executives of these companies need to be arrested.

We did not include Illuminati council member and head of the Rothschild clan David Rene de Rothschild on this list because he promised to hand over Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. This would hand control of 90% of corporations worldwide back to the people. However, when we contacted him last week to ask when this was going to happen, we got the answer “he was unavailable because he was on a skiing vacation.” In other words, he went into hiding in a Swiss Bunker.

So this may be related to the announcement of the death of Lord Jacob Rothschild.

Another family member, Emanuel Macron de Rothschild, the so-called president of France, meanwhile, cannot appear in public without being grabbed by a lynch mob and hanged on the spot. This is exactly what the French farmers in the video below tried to do when they heard he was going to appear at an agricultural fair.

We are hearing a lot of other so-called Western leaders have also gone into hiding in fear of lynch mobs. Any leader who is now supposedly in Ukraine is probably in hiding. These include Canadian Crime Minister Justin Castrudeau, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, and the Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo.

They may be hiding because our white hat sources in the Western agencies and Asian secret societies say some sort of huge event is imminent,

For example, a member of the White Dragon Society who met with Japanese Emperor Naruhito last week was told

a major financial/political announcement was due to take place on March 15th. Asian Red and Green secret society sources also promised a jubilee-type event in China around the same time.

Dates have come and gone in the past so only believe it when you see it but, for sure high-level sources are making big promises.

Readers can do their part by not paying taxes. The IRS is a privately owned company based out of Puerto Rico. Not only is there no law that requires most Americans to file an individual tax return, but the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) wasn’t even created by an act of Congress!

Alex Mena, an IRS official tells O’Keefe Media Group Reporter the IRS is “going after the small people” and “destroying people’s lives” using artificial intelligence technology to spy on American citizens and company bank accounts without a warrant or evidence

Cutting off their taxes will help force a jubilee. If some sort of jubilee announcement is not made, then civilizational collapse is certain.

Let us start with evidence of political criminality now in full public view. Here we saw an obviously fake Donald Trump meet Argentine President Javier Milei (whose name means Mileik=Moloch=Satan) and praise him for stealing money from poor Argentines in order to pay the KM. He just ran a budget surplus to pay bankers by cutting off money for food kitchens for the poor, sending half of Argentina below the poverty level.

Speaking about Moloch/Mileik, Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s real name is Benzion Mileikovsky which means: Son of Moloch or Son of Satan.

Netanyahu held an “Israel Victory Conference” with Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf a Jewish Supremacist who was mysteriously released despite being sentenced to life imprisonment for the mass murder of Palestinians. These people are closely associated with the mass murdering Nazis who also support the genocidal Vladimir Zelensky.

Meanwhile, as thousands of children are killed in Gaza former CIA head Mike Pompeo dances with Israeli soldiers. What exactly are they celebrating?

This is the same Pompeo who said “I was the CIA Director and we lied, we cheated and we stole…”

Another person who is not bothering to hide his criminality is Congressman Andy Ogles who said “We should kill them all,” in reaction to photos of children’s casualties in Gaza.

Here is another example of a poisoned mind.

Meanwhile, the KM-controlled fake Biden circus show vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire.

Thanks to his ongoing Gaza genocide Israel’s Gross domestic product (GDP) plunged an annualized 19.4% in the last quarter of 2023. It is down even more now as shipping to the country has been stopped by the Houthis. As an example, here you can watch a sinking British tanker attacked by the Houthis in the Gulf of Aden.

The International Court of Justice has been told “Israel is applying an even more extreme version of apartheid in the Palestinian territories than experienced in South Africa before 1994.”

The Jews are in uproar and vast civil disturbances now taking place in Israel mean the Nazi son of Satan and his Biden puppets’ days are numbered.

The other big Satanic nest in Ukraine is also in big trouble. It has once again been confirmed the International Monetary Fund (IMF) illegally deposited funds intended for Ukraine in the personal banks of Victor Pinchuk and Ukrainian Oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. A lot of this ended up in the Clinton Foundation where it was used to bribe politicians.

We also know the Zelensky regime has been slaughtering Ukrainians and selling their organs.

Now Polish intelligence informs us the vampire Zelensky sold over a million litres of blood from Ukrainian donors to the West.

Also, Russia has found more documents showing thousands of people have been involved in experiments carried out for major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, and others. Blood and other samples were collected and then sent to labs and clinics in Europe and the US for testing. This was almost certainly for the production of bio-weapons.

More torture chambers and human experiment facilities have also now been uncovered at the fallen Ukrainian fortress of Avdeyevka, Russian sources tell us.

The fall of Avdeyevka means Russia is now close to its goal of taking Odessa, connecting Russia with Transnistria; reaching Transcarpathia and handing it over to Hungary, thus sharing the border with Hungary, Polish intelligence sources say.

Russia will have to continue fighting Ukraine until it takes Kyiv, former President Dmitry Medvedev has claimed. Medvedev identified the source of the threat as an “international brigade of the opponents of Russia, led by the US,” who he claimed are in control of Kyiv.

No wonder “a dispirited atmosphere…permeated the meeting [with] no trace of the former optimism among the Western [cheerleaders for Ukraine],” At the 60th Munich Security Conference held on February 16-18, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said

“Germany really wants out of this KM Deep State Cluster fuck,” a CIA source comments on this headline:

German Bundestag rejected the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine; 182 voted in favor, and 480 against.

Farmers from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France are contributing to the downfall of the Satanic Zelenskly regime by carrying out a complete blockade of traffic from Ukraine. The protesters are being supported by the police and have demanded that the Polish Prime Minister and other politicians who profit from Ukrainian grain dumping, personally appear at the border to listen to their demands.

In Spain, huge crowds have taken over key streets in the Spanish capital Wednesday in support of domestic farmers.

This will affect Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street who own 40% of Ukraine’s arable land. China will also be affected since it bought 3 million hectares of Ukrainian land — land the size of Belgium

The fall of Ukraine will also lead to more exposure of the pandemic and vaccine mass murder campaign carried out by the KM via biolabs there.

These were some of the worst war crimes in human history. The Global Vaccine Data Network found 100 million vaccine-injured people in just 8 countries.

Also in what one scientist described as an “admission of epic proportions,” Health Canada on Thursday confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

Never Forget: Bayer Pharmaceuticals President, Stefan Oelrich admits mRNA vaccines are cell and gene therapy and the public would not have agreed to take them if it were not for pandemic coercion.

Now they have started putting vaccines in our food supply. A Lettuce Vaccine Bill was just introduced. Tennessee Rep Scott Cepicky says “University of California Riverside has already perfected the ability to put human vaccines into our lettuce right now. Also, tomatoes have the ability to do that for UC Berkeley. — Big Tobacco, RJ Reynolds and stuff have perfected the ability to put a human vaccine in the tobacco products.”

“Just take the vaccine, it’s for your own good”

The KM are also trying to keep us scared enough to take these products. The latest fear porn they are spewing is about a fatal “Zombie” deer disease.

“Scientists fear 100% fatal ‘zombie deer disease’ will mutate to infect humans: ‘There are no contingency plans’” So is this going to be The Walking Dead 2.0 ?

Now France is proposing a one year in prison and a fine of €15,000 for criticizing medicine.

This comes as French health insurance (Assurance Maladie) is considering making part of doctors’ fixed remuneration dependent on the number of vaccinations performed on each patient.

The KM are also now trying to deny any involvement in vaccine crimes. In a case of next-level gaslighting, terrorist Tedros says the WHO didn’t impose anything on anybody, anywhere. They think everyone has forgotten. Even the sheeple are waking up.

It also turns out half of the WHO’s transgender health committee members have no medical background and the majority are activists.

And yet no criminal charges are being filed against people who are actually trafficking children into sex slavery. In the video below Dr. Phil Interviews Border Patrol Showing American Taxpayers Are Funding the Trafficking of Migrant Children Into Sex Slavery.

Homer Simpson knows the truth.

By the way, sex slavery has been going on for a long time as this Pinocchio clip from 1940 shows.

From the moment refugees arrive at the airport, resettlement partners pick them up and provide food, housing and employment services thanks to HIAS, a Jewish American NPO Spread across the US.

This is definitely a government-run operation. The former director of Panama’s border patrol the “invasion” at the U.S. southern border is “strategic engineered migration” paid for by the US government via the UN.

New York Mayor Adams’ plan is to give Illegals $10,000 each with No ID check required, No Fraud control and No Restrictions.

Top: you are at the airport being triple-searched. Bottom: millions of random fully grown men crossing the US-Mexico border who are undocumented and illegal….How does this make any sense?

Now Missouri Governor Mike Parsons has announced the deployment of troops and patrol officers to join Texas in shutting the border.

Missouri sending Nat’l Guard to Texas border

It seems the KM Deep State is trying to use the migrants to start a civil war to avoid the hangman’s noose, firing squads or pitchforks.

In an example of predictive programming at its best…Another trailer from Obama’s film “Civil War” has been trolled out.

This is the same Obama who financed a movie about a major cyber attack. Now on cue Reports of mobile service outages of AT&T, Verizon, etc. are being blamed on a “major solar flare according to Meteorologists.”

Yeah right as if the sun can only choose to hit certain corporations.

At the same time apparently, Mr, Sun also targeted pharmacies.

Meanwhile, GOP Sen. Marco “Rubio warns Chinese cyberattack “will be 100 times worse” than AT&T outage: “Your power, your water.”

The KM Deep State are laying the groundwork, the narrative, for now, two possible “Black Swan” events:

1. A Major Solar Flare (Carrington event)

2. Cyber Pandemic (caused by China or Russia of course)

We don’t know what role Elon Musk has in all of this but this news report confirms Russian claims that Elon Musk is a front for the US National Reconnaissance Office:

Elon Musk’s SpaceX is expanding a secretive satellite program called Starshield used by the Pentagon as it quietly forges links with US spy and military agencies…SpaceX’s involvement with defense clients also includes launching classified and military satellites

(By the way, Mr. Musk if you happen to be reading this, the P3 Freemasons have asked me for your mobile number so could you please send it to me via Thank you).

It may be they want to ask Musk with his Antarctica connections what he knows about the recent spaced-based laser attacks around the world.

The latest was a huge mountain fire that broke out in Bijie, located in southwest China’s Guizhou province, on February 18.

Another one was filmed over Mexico & captured on camera from a different location.

This follows similar attacks on Maui and Chile. Is it the beginning of the KMs long-planned fake alien invasion?

Finally this week, we noted yet another Boeing mishap. There are too many such technical negligence accidents lately… something is up, this is not a coincidence.

This is just a guess but it might be part of an underground marketing campaign related to this:

Visitors to last week’s Singapore Airshow witnessed a landmark moment: the international debut of China’s C919 passenger jet. Beijing is betting big that the new plane will shake up the dominance of Airbus and Boeing.


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