23-year-old pregnant Amish woman murdered: ‘Everyone is stunned,’ community member says

4 months ago

The predominantly Amish community in Spartansburg, Pennsylvania, is in a state of shock and fear following the tragic death of a 23-year-old pregnant Amish woman this week, as reported by a community member to ABC News.

Charleen Hajec, a pharmacist and Spartansburg native, expressed the community’s collective disbelief, stating, “Everyone is stunned — this doesn’t happen here,” said Hajec. “Everyone is talking. It’s scary and frustrating.”

On Monday afternoon, authorities responded to a residence in Sparta Township, discovering the lifeless body of Rebekah Byler, as announced by Pennsylvania State Police.

Byler’s death is being treated as a homicide, and law enforcement is actively pursuing the investigation with vigor, withholding details about the cause of her death, ABC News reported.

READ MORE: https://abcnews.go.com/US/23-year-pregnant-amish-womans-alleged-murder-stunned/story?id=107654652

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