Sister2Sister 02-29-2024 | Time Is Now! Vulnerability

10 months ago

Welcome to sit at the feet of Wisdom with our honorable hosts Sister Ashley, house of Deacon Bell and Mother Jennifer, house of Pastor Rufus.
Today's topic is vulnerability...woundedness. A woman with an alabaster jar. How much forgiveness have you received? What is the opposite of vulnerability? How to wait without voice and shout? When you wait on YAH and are tested, what is your extreme? We bless YAH for His love and compassion. We bless YAH for those who have received much forgiveness and are able to forgive much!

I invited you, but you rejected me;
I stretched out my hand to you,
but you paid no attention.
You ignored all my advice,
and you didn’t want me to correct you.
So I’ll laugh at your disaster;
I’ll make fun of you when dread comes over you,
when terror hits you like a hurricane,
and your disaster comes in like a tornado,
when distress and oppression overcome you.
Then they will call me, but I won’t answer;
they will seek me, but won’t find me
because they hated knowledge
and didn’t choose the fear of the Lord.
They didn’t want my advice;
they rejected all my corrections.
They will eat from the fruit of their way,
and they’ll be full of their own schemes.
The immature will die because they turn away;
smugness will destroy fools.
Those who obey me will dwell securely,
untroubled by the dread of harm.”
Proverbs 1:24-33 CEB

Every 5th Day, Thursday 6:00pm CST / 7:00pm EST
Call to Live Broadcast (1)-515-602-9654, or 310-982-4226
To speak with a hosts, Sister Ashley & Mother Jennifer, press 1# to be placed on caller queue.

A Broadcast For Sisters. Becoming a Holy, Set-Apart, Daughter of YAH is of great price.
Tune in to fellowship, calls and biblical discussion concerning the woman of the Israelite Faith. to the University of the Painful Truth!!!

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