TikTok Controlled by the CCP Should Be a Huge Concern for Every American

7 months ago

02/29/2024 Ava on GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW: The CCP controls TikTok, which has 150 million users and is the only place many young people get news. They are not only banning the truthful voice, but also disseminating disinformation to manipulate people’s perception and reality. This should be a huge concern to every American. If the US can ban TikTok and WeChat, these two CCP surveillance and intelligence gathering tools, you probably have already won half of the battle against the CCP.

02/29/2024 Ava做客GRANT STINCHFIELD TONIGHT SHOW:中共控制着拥有1.5亿用户的抖音,这是许多年轻人获取新闻的唯一地方。他们不仅禁止真实的声音,还散布虚假信息以操控人们的认知和现实。这应该引起每个美国人的极大关注。如果美国能够禁止抖音和微信这两个中共监控和情报收集工具,你们对中共的战争可能已经赢了一半。

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