Antares DC 2016 soun

1 year ago

Shimano Antares DC 2016 is the flagship model in baitcast reel series of Shimano. Which has new New 4x8DC brake, which applies intermittent braking at intervals of 1/1000sec allows the spool to spin at a higher speed throughout. New Magnumlite Spool reduces the moment of inertia and increases the casting distance. MicroModule Gear, which have micro pitch gears to achieve silky retrieve. Silent Tune which stablize the spool revolution during casting, these high highest technologies are complemented by rigid and precise Hagane Body.

equipment that used:
• Rod = Maguro MXBCP-1 ( 6-12lbs )
• Reel = Shimano Antares DC 2016
• Line = HammerHead Ultron X8 PE 2.0
• Lure = BoyTep Jaws

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