"Frenomies" are all around us, God help us to EXPOSE them. 2/29/24 Naples.

1 year ago

We have many "Frenomies" both in China as well as right here in America, it is time to EXPOSE them, it is time to DEPOSE them. Keep praying and don't be deceived into thinking they are our friends, when we know they are enemies. They might talk and and present themselves like they are "helping us" or "working for us" or "representing us". They ARE FRENOMIES from start to finish to eventually realizing they are ENEMIES of the USA.
Psalm 41:9 "Even my close friend in whom I trusted,
Who ate my bread,
Has lifted up his heel against me." North Naples, Florida
www.mefoundation.world We at the ME Foundation pray much for God to protect us from deceptive people.

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