Anton Chaikin: Real History and The British Connection (1994 lecture) [audio improved]

11 months ago

Anton Chaikin talks in 1994 on the subject of how the British Empire dominated the History of the USA through subversion, drug money via the Opium Trade and political influence through their front organizations.

Video Chapters:
1. Intro. The British Foundation of Rule.
Topics in this video section: The Hebron Massacre. Meyer Lansky (Hollywood/Vegas/Gangsters--Luciano, Capone, General Hade). Zionism. B'nai B'rith - ADL Anti Defamation League. Hollinger Corporation.


2. Zionism is British Freemasonry (the end times idea). Lord Palmerston. Satanism.
Anton Chaikin talk in 1994 on how the British Empire dominated USA History through subversion, drug money via the Opium Trade and political influence through Zionist front organizations.

Topics in this video section: Geo Politics, Lord Palmerston. Zionism. Exploring Jerusalem (Palestine). Charles Warren. Quator Coronati Masonic Lodge. Jack the Ripper. Theosophy. Astrology. Aleister Crowley. Thule Society. Nazism. Laurence Oliphant. Balfour. Satanism.

further research: Laurence Oliphant and the Question of Jewish Settlement in Palestine


3. Thorpe Lodge. Montagu Norman Pro Hitler Averell Harriman. Psychiatry & German Guilt.
How the British Empire dominated USA History through subversion and Zionist front organizations such as the Nazis.

Topics in this video section: Thorpe Lodge. Montagu Norman Pro Hitler Averell Harriman. Hitlers financing. World federation for Mental Health and psychiatry, German collective Guilt. Scottish Rite Freemasonry.


4. Slavery. Royal African Company. American Revolution. George Washington. Alexander Hamilton and Banking.
Anton Chaikin talk in 1994 on how the British Empire dominated USA History through subversion, drug money via the Opium Trade and political influence through Freemasonry and Zionist front organizations.
The whole world was a slave system in the British Empire way of thinking.


5. Dutch or British invention of Slave Traders? Venice Venetian Origins!
How Venice started the Slave Trade. They didn't want the Renaissance and man`s freedom. Power must be maintained. Venetian Secret Government then goes to Britain.


6. B'nai B'rith Jewish Freemasonry - Another British Operation!
B'nai B'rith - the sons of the covenant. FREEMASONS. A pro-confederate British-linked party to help break up the United States. Their committee is the ADL the Anti Defamation League.


7. Hollywood is another British Plot to Destroy America from the Inside. Culture Destruction.
Financing of hollywood is coming from laundered drug money. MKULTRA.


8. Short Summary on The British Power Setup. JAPAN.
Recapping the British Organized Crime vs. America and how they would handle Japan.


9. The difference between Rothschild and Rockafeller
Private brokers and bankers of the British Crown.
Also the Warburgs.


10. IMF. Credit. Inflation.
The International Monetary Fund, Credit, and Inflation.


11. Did Russia Finance the USA?
Was British or American debt to the Tsars eliminated with the Bolshevik revolution of 1917?

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