I Tried BULL RACING In Sumatra, Indonesia

3 months ago

Pacu Jawi is a traditional bull race that takes place in the Tanah Datar regency of West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is a tradition that has been conducted for centuries, and originated as a celebration of the end of a rice harvest.

During Pacu Jawi, a jockey stands on a wooden plough that’s tied to two bulls, and holds onto their tails as they tow him across a muddy rice field. The jockey does his best to control the animals and remain standing, while spectators anxiously watch, awaiting the bulls’ unexpected behavior.

Although the name Pacu Jawi literally translates to “Bull Race,” the bulls do not directly compete against each other. Instead, spectators judge the bulls by their ability to run straight. And this is meant to teach people that those who follow a “straight path” deserve both honor and respect.

Today, Pacu Jawi has become a tourist attraction that is supported by the local government. It is held many times throughout the year, and usually in concurrence with a village festival that is filled with food, activities, and traditional music.

We decided to stop by the races in Sungai Tarab in late June, and Cheyne did his best to become a jockey himself.

We hope you enjoy the video!

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