No Holding Back Andrew Tate, completely Unleashed uncensored

4 months ago


Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE!

I totally resonate with Andrew on so many levels, and one day yes I do suspect that he will come to our show, when that's going to be I don't know, the only thing I will tell you is that this is the best of the best of the best of Andrew Tate, doesn't hold back not even a little bit, and his opinion about people who are about to become wealthy for the first time is not entirely off, and yes I do agree with investing in yourself, because owning a bunch of money and not knowing what to do with it it's completely foolish, and being humanitarian does not mean that you can hand out money to somebody that tells you they need money everybody needs money, but they have to earn it, and you can't just give money to people who squander money on TOTAL BULL SHIT!!! That is not humanitarian, that's just pure stupidity. Hence the reason why I agree with Andrew.

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