The 7 Laws of Logos and the lower aspects of them

7 months ago

Greetings, Sanjaya JSM here. Today's topic will be "The 7 Laws of Logos and the lower aspects of them".
This topic is very important, it is topical all the time, because we live in the great Logos, we think with the Logos, everything here is Logos. But in order to understand anything of this, you have to act according to the principle of divide and conquer. This Logos, this is such a Spirit, and it can be divided into 3 parts, or according to the 7 Laws of Life, into 7 parts. That's why it's divided, to digest it more, to understand it more.
There are many so-called "spirituality teachers", various gurus, spirituals masters and so on. And they don't say a word about the Logos, about the Laws of Life, they just bullshit there about some golden energies, chakras, vibrations, and from such chatter, it doesn't result in anything. It is only giving false hopes and burdening the mind with unnecessary information.
And there is such a channel , "Your new consciousness", supposedly an expert on consciousness, and it's just empty talk. He made a statement about the Seven Laws of Logos. He said it correctly, but nothing comes out of it. Nothing comes out of such materialistic talk, it is just a burden on the mind. The Law of Mentalism sounds nice, but what is it? The Law of Conformity, but what is it? He didn't explain anything, he didn't connect it, and neither did he elaborate, he didn't connect it to ordinary life as it should be understood.
There was another playboy who also talked something about the Laws of Life. The Law of Mentalism, as the second something he mentioned.
I, the topic of Logos, because it is such a pillar topic of ours, I will develop.
The First Law of Logos, the World, everything is mental. Someone might deny, how is everything Mental? As I experience matter. Matter is also mental, only so condensed, but still everything, our perception, reception, experience, what we feel is in the mind. Why is there matter? Because all laws are bipolar, and this is very important to understand. In the Kybalion this is not there, it was not developed much there. The most important thing is that there are these 7 Laws and then this can be developed, provided that one has a human soul.
I introduce a new concept, there is a human soul according to the law of Polarity from Lucifer, it is those zombies, graveyards, they have a people (from Lucifer) soul. The devil's soul does not have a rush of knowledge. It's all about that knowledge such an upper pole, the cemeteries live mechanically.
This second higher soul is the Human Soul. I will already at this point say the human soul and the people soul. As the people soul, it is known that it is about those who belong to Lucifer.
Law of Mentalism (1) everything is mental, but it can also be said that everything is matter, and this is also true. Gurdjieff said that this whole world is matter only denser, rarer, and this is true, only it is best to know these Laws and reason and communicate according to them, then we know what we are talking about. Everything is mind and everything is matter. Matter is also mind.
The Law of Concordance (2) says that all the Laws are concordant. Someone would say, but screw it, here everyone around is arguing. And there's no mistake about it, because the Law of Conformity is also bipolar, just like this whole Logos. Here there are things that are congruent, here there are some middle, intermediate things, and down here, it's a quarrel, so you can say that the whole Logos is congruent. And also you can say that part of it, there are quarrels.
There is all the time an eternal struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, and this is in accordance, because it is in accordance with everything in the Laws of Life. Even these political graveyard quarrels, these wars of various kinds, are done according to the Law of Conformity. Everything in accordance goes after the Laws of Life, here nothing escapes the law. It's just a matter of freeing oneself of these heavy Laws and passing under these Higher Laws, what is in accordance is worthy and noteworthy. Arguing is also in the category of conformity, just like there is a temperature, here is hot, here is cold. The Law of Conformity, this is somehow one whole. Here above things are nicely harmoniously arranged, and here there are quarrels and here there are dissonances. Since we live on a low plane, the Law of Concordance manifests here with quarrels, because discord is needed to build life. Discord is most evident as there are wars, revolutions, people murdering each other. They produce "lush" for higher levels, they are victims.
It is important to get the words right. We are to dignify things with dignity and then there is consent. This is from the word "GOD", something dignified, that is, this is the Upper Pole of life, dignified. And here they made such a word adventure, that something accidental, that something cool is. Adventure, is something that is next to things worthy. Cemetery people talk, they don't know what they are talking about, they don't know why they are talking.
All the laws of these upper- and lower-polar must work in unison, because this Logos, would fall apart.
If there is discord in the body somewhere internal quarrels arise, that's it, these are diseases. The first beginning of disease takes place in the mind, then it only manifests itself in the physical body. We have the mind, we have emotions, this is the mental realm, and the body, this is our lower pole, but this lower pole, our body is also divided into its poles: the head is the upper pole, and the ass is the lower pole. The ass is also needed, but some people seek happiness in the ass and think about asses. Admirers of children's asses, it is the Vaticanists, it is the most degenerate layer. But they are reptiles, they are repti. For them it is natural: "Oh my God - Oh my reptile".
The Law of Vibration (3) everything is in motion, Panta Rhei-everything is flowing, but we see that it's not moving, and also everything is in alignment. Because here is movement(above), and here is rest (below). Somewhere down there, this matter doesn't move, or almost, doesn't move. Gurdjieff said that there are some atoms without the Holy Spirit.
As for the temperature, from physics, those who have studied in these booths know that at -273.15°C. there is a disappearance of particle motion and this is already the bottom. This is already the bottom of Logos. On the other hand, the temperature upward in thousands can go. What is the conclusion from this? That according to the scale of life we are low, because to this bottom is only about there suppose 300 ° is not much, and at the top there are many, many possibilities. They say that in hell it is hot, in hell it is cold. We for life need movement and rest, two poles.
If there was all the time movement, movement, movement, movement, movement and still some monotone, there would be no life, even in music how to play music. Music, sometimes some melodies like intervals, that is, a break of some kind. We for the night when we go to bed, our body is almost that without movement. Of course, there some blood circulates, something there cells eat, purify themselves, but so physically, we hardly move. Also, there must be stillness, because this is the lower pole of moving. There are always opposing things here.
The Law of Polarity (4) is quite difficult to understand, quite a long time I thought about it. Because it all has a light side and a dark side, down - up, plus -minus. If you go down, these organisms, these systems get smaller and smaller. They get smaller and smaller, and that movement there disappears.
If there is something small, very small so that it is almost, that it is no longer there, then also this Law of Polarity will no longer apply there, because it is not there. As something is already nothingness, there is no movement, vibration or poles there. There is no cause and effect there either, because there is none of that. There is also no rhythm, there are no Birthrights, anything.
If you are well acquainted with the Laws of Life, you will be able to quickly know who, at what level of consciousness is. These psycho-spiritualists bullshit like this: consciousness, superconsciousness, subconsciousness, so bullshit and bullshit and bullshit.
Here, for example, is the Law of Three. Consciousness, subconsciousness, superconsciousness, but they don't know what superconsciousness is, they don't know what subconsciousness is, they just heard somewhere in a good way and so they talk.
The Law of Rhythm (5) in life is very important rhythm, our heart also beats this way. If it beats rhythmically, it's good, and if it beats non-rhythmically, it means that something is inconsistent. We have some radio receivers, some interference. Rhythms are everywhere, they are cycles. And the lower pole, it's the absence of rhythm, it means that everything with everything is mixed up.
In the past, when people were at a higher level, if there were poems, there were poems. They had like this: a message, rhyming, and still the right number of syllables, so the rhythm was appropriate. And at the moment they are writing white poems. For me, these are some black poems, these are no white poems, that neither the message, nor the rhymes, nor the rhythm, just such blablabla.
That noblist Czeslaw Milosz, uuuuch, how he was praised during the commune poems he wrote, white poems he wrote. Neither order there, nor composition, nor anything, but the system promoted him, because it is precisely such various lunatics that the system promotes, advertises, because they serve to fool people.
Once a long, long time ago, spiritual knowledge was written down in the right rhythm and there were rhymes. It was nicely spoken like that, sung, and then thanks to the fact that there is a rhythm, it is easy to remember. Anyway, we like rhymes and we like rhythm. What rhythm there is there is a resonance and it goes more to our soul.
Real knowledge should never be boring, just like in these kennels. There is boredom, boredom and more boredom, the typical lower pole, also education, but the lower pole. There are rhythms that are favorable to us and there are unfavorable ones, that is, there is the Law of Polarity.
Someone who is a musician knows that the tempo, that is, those rhythms, how important it is. There is a melody, some kind of message, but it still has to be in the right rhythm.
All nature is rhythmic: spring, summer, autumn, winter. During the day there are also certain cycles, certain rhythms, and you have to be tactful. The tact there is that one is on yes. If one is tactful, that is, such a person knows when to speak up, how to speak up. Because the fact that we do something, we still have to enter properly into the tact of life, so that it has value.
Such a small example I will give, because mainly, I am a gardener. Sometimes there are sapling tomatoes and she such a sapling starts to grow for me in September, she will grow such a bush, she will do some work, but I do not need it. Autumn is approaching and I take it, tear it out and put it on the compost. This also applies to the Schools of Spirituality. Once in a while a School of Spirituality arises and then there is an opportunity to get into the subject and get something, and then and for many, many years there is no opportunity to learn anything of value. If one develops some valuable character traits in oneself, and does not get into the right rhythm in life from these good character traits, there is no use.
The Law of Cause and Effect (6), Hindus call it the law of Karma, this too has two poles. At the lower pole, this will be like that, nothing here has its cause, nothing here has its effect, and logically this is well said, because if there is nothing, then there is no cause and no effect, nothing, this is nothing. It's not that there is always something in this world, something is here and here is nothing.
The Law of Genesis/Birth (7)
I so show it on the body, it's at the very bottom, it's related to our reproductive organs. Let's look at these genderists, there is already a disappearance of the sexes, everyone with everyone, there is no distinction. The higher it is diversity, at the bottom there is monotony, there is no genus, and as there is no genus, for anything to be born, there must be a male and female genus. Thesis-antithesis and get synthesized is son. Also gender, this is the very bottom, nothing is born there anymore. Well, maybe except demons.
Recently I discovered such a Law, this is related to the Law of Three, this is the Law that applies always everywhere and everyone except nothingness, because nothingness does not exist.
There is Spirit, Soul and Demon. Demon, if it learns has a chance to become a soul. Demon, this is something incomplete, this is an expert in a narrow area of life. This is what our this education, pestilence, schooling, what they produce. They are producing such educated demons. Specialist cardiologist, specialist gynecologist, specialist such, such, such. 200 years ago, a doctor was a doctor. He could examine on his own, even he could cut out the vermiform appendix on his own, and now he needs big apparatus and different results. He can no longer do anything himself. Why? Because he is already close to nothingness, the more narrow specialization, it is the knowledge of nothing.
We as humans differ from animals in that we have a very long time to reach the level of adulthood, the level of physical maturity. Suppose so conventionally 20 years. 20 years we are children. And then we assume that 80 years someone will live optimistically, then he has another 60. This is one to four.
Now let's take animals. A dog lives 15 years to adulthood one year, is one to fifteen. In birds this conversion rate is even different. There half a year the bird reaches, and it can live suppose even 20 years, 30, 50. As it is simpler machine, it reaches this adulthood faster, because there is no need for it to learn so much.
This period of about 20 years, it is for us to gain a comprehensive knowledge of life. And what is education doing? This is to agonize children and young people. They do studies has 24/25 after that some postgraduate. Regarding this education, we are a school of Spirituality. This is very different from those graveyarders schools.
Here I once had such an incident, not even once, that those there in that graveyard world were educated, and I examined them on their knowledge of JSM. This is not such academic knowledge. JSM is such knowledge still on the subconscious as he understands this, that. These exams are not easy at all, and it turned out that they were weak and they were shocked. Because they were sure they were high. As an example, I will give here the excavator operator after the vocational school, and here at my exam he stood out very much. He got a 4 plus.
We, as JSM, are in the business of life knowledge. To have a better life you need to know the mechanism. Any car mechanic or electrician or electronics technician knows in order to fix or build anything, you need to know how it works, and to us here the system has not given the most important thing. A manual for people, how we are to operate, how we are to treat each other, how we are to think. It is all some such chaos, some such gibberish.
Many graveyarders have a imagination that they understand life on such a mechanical tiny level.
Learning to understand is difficult and is often painful, there are demons.
Let me briefly talk about demons. They are consciousnesses, such demo, incomplete, such incomplete self, invisible and most often very harmful, demonic. They are like such weeds that sit in the ground. These weeds are waiting for there to be moisture and for it to be warm, and the same with these demons. Often sometimes someone thinks he is so very valuable, very nice, but just make other conditions for him and anger comes out. Vulgarities come out all of a sudden.
How many times have we had such pictures here that someone like this was in JSM. Something just wasn't right and immediately a different personality, a different "I" and vulgar expressions. He packed up and left.
These devils that sit in you only with the help of the school of Spirituality can they be removed. The School of Spirituality, it is to provoke such a demon to show its head. Then he gets that head screwed off. On your own, you can get rid of a few or many of these demons, but not too many. Only in a well-organized group can you wage a meaningful battle against dark forces. Thanks to the fact that these dark forces are there, we still have something to do.
Christians are so stupid that they want the unworkable, that God will remove Satan, and they believe that at some point God will remove Satan. Satan, this is the lower pole. Satan is both good and bad at the same time, depending on how one looks at it, who uses it and how.
I, for example, use the battles with Lucifer with Satan. He learns these Laws, we play, once he wins a point, once I do. As if, what, I recently enrolled Satan in my School and he is number one. Sometimes he has such intelligent plays. I in the process, I see this and say to scribe Rosmir “enter there Lucifer 20 on the plus, because he did well”.
Lucifer is just like the night. The night has its upper pole of life and its lower pole of life. The upper pole of the night, is for us to rest, and the lower pole is for us to enjoy: entertainment, sex, casino games, night parties. Many graveyarders think that they are very original.
Everything here is done according to the Laws of Life. It is done in such a way that each graveyarder seems to have reasonable mind, free will. How much reason and will he has, he will find out if he manages to get to the School and stay here with us for some time. Here all masks, all demons come out.
Let me say a few more sentences about Logos.
All of these 7 Laws have characteristics, reciprocal characteristics from these others. For example, the Law of Conformity is a Mental Law. The Law of Vibration is a Mental Law and so on. Birth is Mental, cause and effect is Mental and so is the Law of Conformity, something gives birth or something kills. The Law of Polarity is a Mental Law. The pendulums we see in the ordinary, mechanical world are also visible. The Law of Conformity as at the top so at the bottom, small organisms and large organisms are guided by the same laws, but to different degrees. Stupidity is also knowledge or wisdom. Wisdom, then, is more related to understanding. And graveyarders schools don't teach understanding, they teach blunt memorization. And blunt memorization of too much information causes memory destruction. And when memory dies, life begins to end.
Christians would like there to be no Satan, then there would be no life. If such a Christian learned the Laws of the Logos and thought, he would no longer be a Christian. If someone says he is a spiritual master, he is a fraud. I am a teacher of Spirituality, that is totally, different. A Spiritual Master, then he should have mastery and should be a Spirit.
Words, meanings are very important even in ordinary graveyarders remained respect for the word logicality, because it all stems from the Logos. If someone talks silly, one says: "You are talking something illogical here". Only, this science, logic, what is in the graveyarders schools, is very complicated, and is not concerned with the 7 Laws of Logos. It's dealing with some kind of small, sectional laws like that. I went through a good training of the mind, understanding have to be developed.
The Laws of Life are learned in action, a little theory, but the most important thing is the action, that is, who does how in life.
Life and death are of the same kind. Life is the upper pole, and death, is the lower pole. There are 7 Laws of Life, these are the 7 Laws of Logos. You could say that there are also 7 Laws of Death. It's all about, this lower pole. If one is too much concerned with matter, the first thing the world is mental, it is most mental, and one pays too much attention to matter then one is said to be a materialist, a dull materialist. This is already negative, because this is the lower pole and this is also the road to death. It is very much such negative qualities that develop: greed, murder, war.
The Law of Conformity, as the Law of Death, will be the Law of Incompatibility, or the law of quarrels. Cemetery workers quarrel, here actually everyone quarrels with everyone, except JSM Headquarters. I don't allow any quarrels here because that is the road to death.
The Law of Vibration life is movement. And if there is a graveyarder that is chewing, not moving much, then towards death it goes very fast.
The Law of Polarity someone does not distinguish that everything has a good and bad side, this also pushes him down. For him, such a materialist, this very bottom pole is the value system.
The Law of Rhythm, life is in such bars, one should be tactful. And here this lower pole, this is an arrhythmia just like a heart arrhythmia, a bigger heart arrhythmia and dies.
The Law of Cause and Effect, if these causes and effects were so bottom-pole materialistic then these fruits will also be so bottom-pole. Energy begets energy.
The law of Genesis, the law of Birth, then what will this law give birth to him? Death. As for death itself. Death itself also has 2 poles upper and lower pole. The upper pole of death is that we put to death, for example, such negative traits of our character, we put to death, or on the garden we have weeds we put to death, but it is positive for us.
Any change of any position any change, that is death for that earlier one. Thanks to the fact that there is death, there is also movement. We can change and create a better life around us, rather than waiting for someone out there to save us.
This is where graveyarders are entertained. That's why this department of entertainment is so important. At the moment there is such a plus with this coronavirus that these entertainments are no longer there so much. A lot of these events have been shut down.
That's it for today. Thank you for your attention, see you later. Greetings Sanjaya.
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