"How Funny Is This Ceiling Fan?"

6 years ago

"The ceiling fan has never been more interesting than in this video! We all have them, and we usually pay attention to them only when they need cleaning, just like the man in the video. There is nothing special about them. Yes, they are useful but most of the time we don't really pay attention to them. nnThe man in this video decided that it is finally that time of the week. It is time to clean the ceiling fan and he is not loving the work. It can be pretty dull cleaning it, but luckily for him, he's got quite a performance right in front of him. While he is cleaning the ceiling fan, his two toddlers are following the spin. As he spins the fan, the children spin as well. They seem mesmerized by the object and can't stop following its movements. nnWe don't know what is so interesting about this ceiling fan, but this man sure did have a laugh while cleaning it thanks to his children."

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