"5G invisible death, doctors have been say"

4 months ago

[WARNING] FREE 'EBOLA VAXXS' RELEASES BEEN HAPPEN ALREADY, LABORATORY MADE WEAPONIZED EBOLA VAXXS WAS TESTED ON 2019 ON SOUTH AFRICA WHEN TESTS ON CLINICS WAS END CLINICS WAS DESTROYED PEOPLE WAS KILLED BY PAID MILITANT GROUPS, THAT WAS ALSO TOLD SHOWN ALSO ON MAINSTREAM NEWS MEDIA ON 2019 WITHOUT TELL FULL TRUTH, what they have now could only old vaxxs tried reshare for mass murder, america have virus patents, china have vaxxs components patents, two country try get benefits from global population mass murder, laboratory made weaponized viruses activation been tried use 5G wireless sequency, ebola type viruses could reach only local population for problems even not have capasitity for global problem when artificially made drama how only mainstream media try 'sell product' for people with try generate fear chaos panic, people not buy that product twice how people only WAKE UP, all that been tried make fully automatic ready paid deep programmed event to force all people EVEN ALL THAT ONLY TRIGGER FULL DISCLOSURE HAPPEN FASTER SOONER QUICKER

[this] warning told already before was been all new vaxxs are still old stored vaxxs made already before shared only for plan kill earth surface population, global mass murder still been happen totally without real reason or is been ready paid deep programmed to happen without forced stop, just know now they offer old vaxxs only told to be new, all vaxxs been design to kill, there is not good vaxxs also vaxxs before was been design to hurt people, now all kills people so not listen official thats ready paid deep programmed propaganda lies via mainstream media partly also via alternative media, real is only under 1% on internet virtual reality also on mainstream media news are lies, you been follow hybrid parallel reality whats not for real people

[picture] screen capture show how was start on week seven in youtube negative groups been communicate release propaganda lies all that difinfo wronginfo mislead plan for population mass murder was been already made also all uploads been before was release shown to public, public can read message from between lines when is symbolic or numerology or astrology NONE ON THAT NOT REAL THING, ALL THATS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE NOT NATURAL NOR PEOPLE REAL FUTURE AFTER MOMENT FULL DISCLOSURE


"AMERICA own laboratory made viruses [patents]"




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