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How They Plan on Stealing all 401K’s & Introducing Central Bank Digital Currency – (CBDC)
***MUST SEE***As former investment banker David Webb explains in the video – The Great Taking - - they are preparing to loot everybody of their securities and stocks through “sneaky” changes in UCC – Universal Commercial Code.
South Dakota House Representative Julie Auch dug into this and convinced Governor Kristi Noem to veto the bill.
Governor Kristi Noem is fighting AGAINST House Bill 1193 or HB 1193 as it adopts a definition of “money” to specifically EXCLUDE Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital assets BUT at the SAME time – it INCLUDES Central Bank Digital Currencies – CBDC’s as Money.
The bill HB 1193 is clearly the Federal Government planning on allowing CBDC’s. 100%. That is how they sneak these f*cking tyranny b.s. codes in right under our nose.
Thank God that representatives like Julie Auch convinced Krisi Noem to veto this bill. She had the vision to see what they are trying to do because most Governors either have lobbyists breathing down their neck lying to them and they would just go with it.
Julie Auch said the bill was 124 pages and she kept reading through it again and again and kept saying “there is something to this bill, we need to look into this bill.”
SD Representatvie Stevens, Bartels, Kull and Perry HB 1193 are pushing for this bill.
The Federal Government is in the process right now, trying to introduce Bills in each state that would allow Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to become the ONLY viable Digital Currency.
They are trying to block ALL other Digital Currencies, like Cryptocurrencies and and sneak these CBDC bills in with “word trickery” so each state will be forced to accept their bullsh*t UCC amendments.
It is amazing how they introduce these bills with ONE GOAL in mind and they do it by NEVER mentioning the true goal. Everything in this f*cking Federal Government is like a covert operation. It is done by trickery.
The history of deception goes back to the late 1800’s to when the Rockefellers and Carnegies developed the plan to take over the “health field” and convert it into the “Allopathic Medical Field” treated with petro-chemicals. They tricked Woodrow Wilson over 3 years of debates to sign the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The Military Industrial Complex tricked Eisenhower into signing an agreement with a horrific group of Aliens for technology and abduction rights. It goes on and on and is just as bad at state levels.
The language that is used in these bills is so very deliberately difficult to understand. Normal representatives have NO freaking chance against these demons who write the bills, give them to the vulture lobbyist, who then give them to staff members with the offer of tripling their salaries if they can convince their bosses to go with the bill – I have studied this sh*t and that’s how the game is played. The politicians are not remotely smart enough to write and understand these bills.
Almost all bills that are introduced are NOT by the representatives but they are offered special “incentives” for introducing them and acting like they know what’ s in them, but they themselves have no f*cking clue, they are too stupid to know what they are sponsoring. They are ignorantly working for the devil.
Bills are introduced under the influence of bribes and blackmail.
Julie Auch had the INTUITION that something was not right and she went to Texas to spend 3 hours with what she says was a “very smart group of lawyers” just to understand the deceiving language in this bill.
SD – HB 1199 -- This group of smart people also found out that they are not only going to take ownership of your securities but they are also going to use them as COLLATERAL. This is EXACTLY what David Webb said, I will leave a link to that video below, as it is a must watch.
The jargon of the bill started out with language about Jurisdiction and language about Collateral Assignment.
The BANKERS are the ones behind the UCC amendments using jargon that is not understandable to the average person, or even a person with high IQ. The Beast Banking system is run by a bunch of Satanists who get receive their orders from the demonic spirit realm.
They introduce legislation state by state by state and they introduce stuff in bills that have been BUNDLED and PACKAGED and they are told by their assistants who are corruptible as they accept verbal “favors” of moving up the ranks with huge salaries if they just can convince the legislatures to sign off on these “packaged bills” which they tell them is just a bill for this or that.
This IS how our government is run. 100%.
A very small group, OUTSIDE the US controls our entire government this way.
The lobbyists work with the people, the businesses and certain organizations, presenting their lies to them in the image of something they desire, something that is greatly needed, something that will be very beneficial – so they tell their representatives that this is what they want and of course the representatives have no clue what is in these bundled packages filled with hundreds of pages that a group of intelligent lawyers would have trouble comprehending.
NONE of them know what is in the Bills, they just know what they were TOLD that is in the bills.
It is run by deception. Plain and Simple. The representatives probably understand 10% of less of each bill they sign off on.
This has to change.
South Dakota Representative Julie Auch says that we are no longer SHAREHOLDERS but we are now labeled as Entitlement Holders. This is what David Webb says also, link below to this must see video that is really good and explains this very well. We have all been duped.
It used to be if you purchased a stock you had OWNERSHIP in that corporation that sold you the shares. It meant you owned a share of the corporation.
Not any more.
Now you have Entitlement.
You now have a CONTRACT instead of Ownership.
You still get to collect dividends and certain yields. BUT, the securities intermediary, the clearing house, which is your Broker – gets to USE your “investment” like it’s your own and they can create derivatives to loan and sell. It’s just incredible what is being allowed and it’s complicated to understand.
What does this Mean? It simply means, your INVESTMENTS, which could be just your personal stocks OR it could be your life savings in your 401 K is being used as COLLATERAL for them to create Derivatives to sell.
What good can happen in the long run? NOTHING GOOD. EVERYONE Loses EVERYTHING.
That is why David Rogers Webb called his video presentation and his book – The Great Taking. We will lose everything in the long run. Once again, link to this video and a good write-up included within is below.
You are being left Unsecured. The 401K’s are being used as collateral for THEIR investments. Yes, it does sound unbelievable, but this IS what is happening.
All proposed by bundled legislation that no one knows what is in it. It takes months to years AFTER the laws are passed before people have an incline of what’s been passed and even in the bill.
Other bills that are being introduced in bundled packages are Eminent Domain laws.
Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use, referred to as a taking.
The Fifth Amendment provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners.
They will make up bullsh*t excuses that they need your land for some great, wonderful projects that will benefit everyone. Whether you agree or not, they just can buy your land.
*Be on the L@@K Out for this and recognize it when they begin mentioning this on your daily news saturated with propaganda.
What is an Entitlement Holder? It is a trick that says you own your shares EXCEPT when it comes to the intermediaries which is your Broker and the Clearing House who is using your shares as collateral.
Look at Source #5 below as I have left a link to what Julie is talking about and it’s difficult to understand, very difficult for an experienced attorney. But once you see through the mud they deliberately place in front of you, you have that “Oh shit” moment.
If you listen to Julie Auch – she indicates we are dealing with a very powerful group who do NOT want this information to be known to the public. It’s scary at just how these corrupt, paid for “body guards” in suits guised as lawyers come in and attempt to quickly shut Julie up and say there is nothing to see here. Scary.
Julie says the foundation of this legislation was laid back in the MID 90’s and they are just hoping that no one discovers it and they really hope no one detects the truth of it. They place little pieces of clever legislation in these “bundled packages” years in advanced before they will say “hey, this is the law.”
That is how a country is taken over LEGALLY and WITHIN.
All 401-K’s have been taken over and you no longer own them, and you were given something called an Entitlement Holder Contract.
Did you they inform you of this? NO. Just like they shoved their b.s. vaccines into our bodies, they didn’t ask us if we agreed to them, they said we had to have them for the “greater good.” We will worry about the safe and effective part later, but the science says now that they are safe and effective.
Do people see what is going on here??
The BIG banks are borrowing loans from Brokers and Clearing Houses to PLAY with. These brokers and clearing houses are in control of your 401K’s.
So, they are using YOUR 401k to create a derivative – a financial instrument of value and they are LOANING the created Derivatives to Big Banks so they can invest them. I know this is hard to understand the hows and the whys. I will try and explain it in another way here: They are using YOUR MONEY to create a financial instrument called a Derivative which they loan to banks to TRADE. The brokers and clearing houses can also use this method themselves.
What could go wrong? This is setting up a financial crash that will make 2007-2008 look like nothing.
Why? Because the 2008 crash was mostly due to bundled Mortgage Back Securities, the banks at least got to keep some of the houses in the bundles. BUT – what will the banks get to keep when this bubble bursts that contains ALL the 401k’s and Retirement Funds of ALL Government Agencies?
They will get to loot them as they are being used as Collateral.
I have been saying that WE need to CREATE our OWN Currencies. I don’t care if it is from state to state. We need to get away from the EVIL Central Bankers who have infiltrated our country with the plan of literally stealing it.
This is ALL a setup to bring in the One World Digital Currency.
FED NOW is now being accepted in several states and we need to KNOW this and know this now – Fed Now will be converted to the CBDC.
FED NOW is CBDC in disguise.
Central Bank Digital Currency will lead to ESG Scores – we will be controlled by how we follow the “community standards” set under the categories of Environment, Social and Government.
You will receive “Rewards” for complying with the community standards.
And there will be those f*cking retards who obey every f*cking thing and just LOVE these little pats on the back and the positive reinforcements of receiving rewards and compliments. They will have wag their tales and stick out their tongues like happy little Pavlov dogs.
Are you going to be a Pavlov Dog?
We need to wake up now.
All of this is FRAUD, but they made it LEGAL.
1. Americans United Against the New World Order --
2. South Dakota House Bill 1193 --
3. Governor Kristi Noem – VETO of HB 1193 --
***The Great Taking – David Webb --
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END. 2/29/2024.
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