McCabe on Trump Cases: You‘re Basically Looking at a 50/50 Chance that Either of These Cases Will Ever Go to Trial

3 months ago

COLLINS: “I mean, I think it‘s important to take a step back and realize how big this is. We talk about so many different legal developments, but this could actually decide whether this happens. And if it doesn‘t, if Trump does win the election, and this case hasn‘t seen the light of day before then, he makes it go away.”
McCabe: “Gone.”
COLLINS: “The jury, the American people never get to hear these charges in this case argued.”
McCabe: “They never hear this one, and they never hear the Mar-a-Lago case, which I agree with Shan is likely to be heard after the election anyway. So you think about that. If, as we, some of us, think that it’s unlikely with this decision today that we‘re unlikely to have this case tried before the election, you‘re basically looking at a 50/50 chance that either of these cases we‘ll ever go to trial.”

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