Oh dear New York | The Sal Greco Show Episode 1

11 months ago

In the first episode of The Sal Greco Show, we discuss the failures of New York Republican Party, and the latest updates on political prosecution of President Trump. #SalGreco #GavinMarioWax #JohnPierce

Salvatore “Sal” Greco is a Former 14 year New York Police Department (NYPD) veteran, and a Sicilian-American. Being a strict fitness enthusiast, food connoisseur, and cigar aficionado Sal is no stranger to the Good and Evil in our lives. His origin story began with food industry work and a love for how it brought everyone together.

Check Out Today's Guests:
Gavin Mario Wax: https://twitter.com/GavinWax
New York Young Republican Club: https://nyyrc.com/
John M. Pierce: https://twitter.com/CaliKidJMP
National Constitutional Law Union: https://nclu.org

Connect with Sal:

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