Potato grader machine

10 months ago

The Continuous Screen Grader offers a relatively inexpensive machine, alternative to the Lift Roller Grader. This system uses a traveling mesh screen to separate produce into different sizes. If the produce is small enough, it will pass through the screen. Larger produce will progress to the end of the machine. Oversize produce is fed to screen grader for next grading.The process can be repeated, and multiple sizing achieved, simply by adding additional Screen grader modules. Sizing efficiency is further aided by mechanical shakers that gently vibrate the produce on the screen.
Each grader module is provided with cross belt conveyors to carry sized produce away for further processing.

Salient Features:

Modules can cater for up to 20 tones per hour, depending on the produce variety
Main frame constructed from mild steel, galvanized or painted or stainless steel
G.I. Wire mesh or S.S. wire mesh of required size opening is supplied.
Screen hole size can be matched to your sizing requirements

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