"Angry Boy Hates Face Filter"

6 years ago

"You know those funny Instagram and Snapchat filters? The ones that give you bunny-face, bear-face, glasses, funny hats, make-up? Well, this angry boy just hates it! His mom chose a filter that makes him look like a girl, and that’s something he doesn’t wanna be. REALLY doesn’t wanna be and he sure is vocal about it! We hope you love meltdowns, cause this one is priceless. This little fella just won’t stop yelling at his mom. And she is persistent as well! She won’t remove the filter, making him even angrier. What a team they are! nEver since the face filters were introduced, the Internet is filled with bunnies, rabbits, teddies, and other cute animals on people’s faces. In this video, you’ll see the cutest Hello Kitty filter, although this boy doesn’t find it amusing as we do. He’d probably prefer a fake beard or mustache but thanks to this funny mom, we got to see him with a girly face filter and in complete and utter meltdown!"

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