"Selfish Kitten Takes Food Way Too Seriously"

7 years ago

"This cat does NOT play any games while feeding! A tiny kitten cat swats at humans fingers as they touch the bottle she is eating from. This video is cute for a couple reason: First, kittens are adorable to watch, regardless of what they are doing! Second, so much respect to this kitty for knowing when to swat humans away… pretty smart for a young kitty if you ask me.nnHer human parents are definitely in shock! They probably didn't expect her to fight back! This adorable little kitty is not to be messed with! She is protecting her food, no matter how many times her parents try to take it away from her. Well done, little one! So young, and already knows how to stand up for herself. Bravo!nnWe can already see a bright future ahead of herself! This is one kitty you do not want to mess with. Just ask her parents. They know that all too well."

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