"Boy Has Something in His Hair and Freaks Out About It"

6 years ago

"What happens to a boy who has something in his hair that scares him so much that he doesn't even want to find out what that is, but instead just keeps screaming? Well, either everyone around him laughs out loud, or he learns a fundamental lesson in his life - the fear of the unknown is pretty useless, but also tough to overcome! Or maybe both. But, let's be honest - people have always been scared of the unknown! Some even say that this kind of fear is one of the biggest fears ever, although it's mostly irrational and often baseless. The only truly effective way to grow out of it is to simply face it. But, that's easier said than done and this boy makes a great example - he has something in his hair, and he's just freaking out about it! It's nothing more than a ladybug toy, but in his mind, that must be the scariest monsters of all!"

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