February 28, 2024

7 months ago

Feb 27, intoxicated or mentally disturbed individual attempted to stage an “accident”. The exploitation of mentally challenged individuals to harass others, or to commit high commotion crimes, it is both, standard and old, for the spy agencies. A good number of MDs and other health professionals are involved, also, by focusing on exploiting specific communities, the spy agencies can instigate prejudices against that specific community to divide the nation, facilitating control. When I say the real power in the U.S. is in Nazi hands, I am not exaggerating. We are an occupied nation living the illusion of democracy, due to the tremendous power to manipulate minds they have, as they did with an advanced, educated nation, such as Germany, convincing them they had a “divine” right due to their racial superiority, exceptionality, to rule and exterminate nations.

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