RageCast 427: WE'RE FULL

Streamed on:

730pm EST

We arent a country. We are an economic zone. Canada is like a strip mall thats currently being looted by raiders from around the world while the employees and locals try to hide and avoid the ire of the mob, fanatically searching for white people to admonish (or worse..)

Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident) *
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/RagingDissident) *
Odysee (https://odysee.com/@RagingDissident:0) *
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@RagingDissidentVIII/streams) *
Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident) *

*YouTube is banned again. Oh no!


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