3Rd Try - Pilgrims - Show Us How to Build a Nation - Faith-Justice-For- Generations-2-28-24

6 months ago

3Rd Try - Pilgrims - Show Us How to Build a Nation - Faith-Justice-For- Generations-2-28-24

Video Source -

Start at Jacob's Formula for Rebuilding Civilization -

Then go to - Liberty Matrix - below…

https://josephsmithfoundation.org/lesson-8-jacobs-formula-for-rebuilding-civilization/ And Kirk Cameron - Look to God, Scriptures, 10 commandments, Preaching ( Restored Gospel - My thoughts ),
Parents teach children these laws, Biblical Perspective ( Book of Mormon is better ), Slays Lion, Sword in Hand!


Must get back to Christ and His servants - https://inyourleadership.com/

Also be free from Debt and Oppression - https://tomoveup.org/home

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