5 Best BEAST MODE Fragrances For Men

1 year ago

Topic of the video:
Hello Gentlemen. 👋
Some of us want a fragrance that is super strong, head turning and simply "beast mode".

So in this video, I will show you 5 beast mode fragrances for men, that are insanely strong and super high-quality.

● Piotr Grotnik Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piotr_grotnik/?hl=da
● MENS IMPROVEMENT Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mens_improvement/?hl=da
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0:00 - 5 Beast Mode Fragrances For Men
0:25 - Dior Sauvage Elixir
1:33 - Dior Tobacolor
2:51 - Aaron Terence Hughes Tabac
4:11 - Xerjoff Casamorati Italica
5:49 - Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade
7:04 - Beast Mode Fragrances

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Forte Series: Use Code “MENS10” here: https://forteseries.com/?ref=MENSIMPROVEMENT
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What I’m wearing:
Beige Turtleneck Sweater: H&M
Suede Biker Jacket: Berskha
Silver Necklace: Serge DeNimes
Silver Sun Pendant: Thrifted
Genesis Red Garnet Ring: Rahul Patel Collection (Use Code "PIOTR10" To Save 10% Off Your Purchase)
Watch: Seiko SRP853J1
Fragrance of The Day: Gucci Guilty Absolute Pour Homme

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