You Are Free TV & C60 Evo Scientist Chris Burres Explain the Benefits of C60 EVO Oil Longevity Test

1 year ago

You Are Free TV & C60 Evo Scientist Chris Burres Explain the Benefits of C60 EVO Oil Longevity Test which delivered a 90% longevity result, rather than any toxicity. This study was called "2012 Paris Bhakti Study" and they used the exact product that we sell today, C60 Evo Organic Olive Oil with ESS60. It began as a toxicity test so the results were astounding. Not only did the Wistar rats live 90% longer, but they died without any tumors, which was extremely rare. The 90% extension of life results turned out to be the most beneficial longevity test on lab animals in history. Our lab has been manufacturing carbon fullerenes for 32 years in our lab in Houston Texas. C60 EVO delivers the EVOlution of the industry with ESS60, made specifically for human and pet consumption. You Are Free TV loves our organic olive oil capsules!

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