🫀Heart Health❤️ Dissolve & Reduce Arterial Plaque

11 months ago

https://medfive.com/index.html Not directly related to CANCER, one must have a healthy heart and body, in order for the immune system to prevent and heal from diseases.
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JAMES ROBERTS, MD FACC has practiced invasive and integrative cardiology for twenty years. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Cardiology, and is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, Diplomat Candidate of the American Board of Chelation Therapy, and Interim Diplomat of the American Board of Oxidative Medicine. He specializes in the treatment of individuals with inoperable or recurrent coronary artery disease, utilizing Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP – a non-invasive approach to angina and CHF that generates natural bypass flow and improves artery wall biochemistry) and Magnetic Molecular Energizer (MME - an external magnetic field is applied to the heart or other dysfunctional region, accelerating the velocity of electron spin, by this means increasing energy production and utilization and stem cell proliferation). His practice provides other treatments to help remove environmental toxins and renew cells. Dr. Roberts contributed to the research and product development of Med Five and wrote the medical articles on the Med Five website.

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