Two Dogs Show Expert Camouflage Skill On The Couch

6 years ago

By definition, camouflage is the use of any combination of materials, coloration, or illumination for concealment, either by making animals or objects hard to see or by disguising them as something else. In the world of animals camouflage is any coloration or patterns that help the animals to appear to blend with its surroundings because survival can be a challenging task in the wild – especially if you’re smaller or slower than your possible predators. Animals imitate the coloration of their natural habitats, although some species are known to be able to adjust their coloration. The most common example is a chameleon, although some furry animals and birds may lose their feathers and fur completely and replace it with a new one for a new season.

Surprisingly, sometimes the best way to camouflage oneself is to stick with the herd. Have you heard about dog camouflage? If not, then this is your chance to see that sometimes even dogs in home environments can camouflage and become the most watched video online, just for the sake of it.

Fame, folks; fame is what matters to these dogs. As you hit the play button, you see a dog stretched on a sofa, and nothing unusual is going on, four legs, one body, a muzzle that is slowly licking its legs until it is not. The true sight unravels in front of your eyes when you see a dog on top of his friend. The dog trying to camouflage his friend does not want to let go of him, even though the other dog is resolved that it had enough of the wild game and tries to push his way through and out of the paws of its friend. Phew, it is better out in a fresh air and a daylight.

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