Flames Of Protest

1 year ago

#America #Military Service man set on fire in #Protest of #Genocidal actualities
The #Monstous #Realities of #UnitedStates #RulesBasedInterNationalOrder nothing but #Fascist #DisOrder. We are witnessing #US #ScorchEarth policies today. #MaxBlumenthal.
#U.S. #GunBoat #Diplomacy and #Terrorism is #America #Rules Throughout the #World The #UnitedStates supplies #Armament to #Proxy #Surrogate for the motives of #War #Subjugation #Mayhem and #Death to all who don't believe in their #Monstrous Fascist #Despotism to control the #Planet. Be it #Ukraine #Palestine #Iraq #Syria #Yemen and every part and places of sovereign states on the planet.
So at this point in time, the world knows what America we do and will always do for the perpetual #Demonic #Hegemony of their #UnGodly presents. Even tho the world strives for harmony and peace on the #Planet through diplomacy in foreign policy, the old United States exist for nothing but division and inequalities.
The only solution for this planet is a #Multipolar system for all to strive equally with mutual respect.

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