3 months ago

"TURBO CANCERS following vaxxs"

"What Foods Are High In Vitamin B17?
Laetrile or amygdalin occurs naturally in the seeds (kernels) of fruits such as apple, avocado, apricot, cherry, nectarine, papaya, peach, plum, pumpkin, pear and quince.

Other seeds loaded with vitamin B17 are the tiny seeds of berries such as elderberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, wildberries, cherries and grapes.

Vitamin B17 can be found in smaller but beneficial amounts in flax seeds, chia seeds, squash seeds, millet seeds, buckwheat seeds and sesame seeds.

It is also found in adequate amounts in bitter almonds, cashew nuts, and macadamia nuts.

Sprouts of bamboo, alfalfa, fava beans, mung beans, broccoli contain very high cancer-fighting properties, and boast of a high content of vitamin B17, or laetrile.

Alternative cancer doctors have been prescribing the usage of laetrile for cancer treatments for a while now. Yet, laetrile therapy was banned by the FDA. It is illegal for doctors to use or prescribe vitamin B17 in their clinics.

In the early 1970s, America’s war on cancer was in full force, and Sloan Kettering was regarded as one of the world’s leading cancer research centers. Dr Kanematsu Sugiura discovered laetrile to have very positive effects in preventing the spread of malignant lung tumors in lab mice.

But Sloan Kettering’s Board of Directors swept positive findings about Laetrile under the rug when it became unprofitable and publicly unpopular for them to support it. Well, there isn’t any money to be made from treatments that cannot be patented. It wouldn’t make economic sense!

So, this valuable information was covered-up, and reports were released about cyanide content in apricot (and apple) seeds being poisonous! What they don’t tell you though, are the immense cancer-fighting benefits and how little the cyanide content is, that they don’t cause any harm!

When doing your own research, depending on which site you’re on: there will always be two sides to the story. There will be sites that are in support of using laetrile as cancer treatment, and there will be those that are downright against it, putting it down to ineffective or even poisonous.

You can read more about the research cover-up here.

How laetrile kills cancer cells is interesting and you can see how amazingly and beautifully Nature works to deliver nutrients into our body where they are needed, and the same compounds can become poisonous to cancer cells.

Our healthy cells contain an enzyme called rhodanese, which cancer cells do not have. Instead, cancer cells have an enzyme called beta-glucosidase.

The enzyme rhodanese neutralizes benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide in B17 and converts them to useful nutrient compounds that your body can use.

Beta-glucosidase, on the other hand, releases benzaldehyde and cyanide from B17 that creates a targeted poison that kills cancer cells.

One of the key side benefits of ingesting laetrile is that it helps synthesize more vitamin B12, a vitamin that many are deficient in. By supplementing with high doses of vitamin C while on laetrile therapy, these nutrients create a synergistic power that are by themselves, a treatment for cancer.

It is important to eat a healthy plant-based organic diet, so that you supply your body with a wide range of vitamins and minerals. These are all necessary in order for laetrile to work efficiently. Taking a high quality multi-vitamin supplement will also help make up for deficiencies.

Although laetrile (from apricot seeds) is a very good cancer treatment, it should not and must not be the primary cancer treatment for any cancer patient.
Laetrile (or vitamin B17) therapy is one of the most popular and best known alternative cancer treatments. It is very easy to use, and is very effective when used in right doses. It works by targeting and killing cancer cells, and building the immune system to fend off future outbreaks of cancer.

Only high quality products must be used, in combination with an effective cancer diet and key supplements. Certain naturopath doctors may also provide intravenous laetrile that works very well in cancer treatments."

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"AMERICA own laboratory made viruses [patents]"



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