Clever Tricks On How To Store Your Fruit Properly

6 years ago

Ever since Adam and Eve used fig leaf to cover their nakedness, people have been storing fruits wrong. Every Sunday, millions of hipsters are at the farmer’s market filling their French mesh bags and free trade woven baskets with succulent pieces of ripe fruits. And every Monday, they find something on the counter that looks like elephant dung. Chances are, if you are eating fruit and vegetables, you are storing them wrong!

Now, most of the people treat their refrigerators like a Japanese tourists hotel, everybody tucked neatly into their little drawers. That’s wrong! fruit and vegetables need space for air circulation or they’ll spoil faster and start to spoil adjacent fruit. Many fruits produce ethylene gas, which acts like ripening hormone and speed spoilage. It’s the reason you should treat your unripe fruit like it’s been a beer on college campus- put it in a paper bag! The NCHFP explains that people began to preserve food as early as 12,000 BCE, by leaving meat and fruit out on the sun.

So here we will learn what fruits and vegetables to store where. They should not be stored in the fridge. Also, basil should be out in a cup of water, not in the fridge. Onions, garlic, avocados, potatoes, coffee beans should be not put in the fridge. Root vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots should be stored in the fridge but for more freshness, you can wrap them in a wet cloth. Clever, right? Another great advice is to wait until the fruit is ripe before storing in the fridge.

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