Running Is A Science, And We've Been Doing It All Wrong

6 years ago

We live in a fast moving world. The faster you drink your coffee, the faster you’ll wake up. The faster you wake up, the more time in the day you’ll have. The faster you walk, the faster you’d reach a destination. The faster you do things, the more accomplished you’ll be. It’s all a daily competition you have with yourself and with the things that surround you and the promise of success is what gets you out of bed in the morning. But is everything supposed to be done in as little time as possible? Shouldn’t we stop at some point and just enjoy existence?

Running is the oldest competition in the world. Running means surviving when you’re in danger. It also means that there is a prize waiting for you at the end of your destination, and if you don’t get it first, someone else will. It saved the first humans in the ancient wilderness and it was turned into a competitive sport in ancient Greece, one which we still practice to this day. Running has become such a hobby that 65 million people in America said that they went running in 2014.

But are we doing it right? Should we be running with or without shoes? Should we rely on technology to ease our running experience or should we tune into our primordial instincts? Are we sure that we are positioning our foot right or even our whole body and our breathing? Make sure you watch this video to find out the answers to these questions.

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