Beat That Nasty Common Cold With These 3 Tips

6 years ago

Ah, common colds… They are the bane of our existence. It’s such a common thing, hence the name, but it can knock a grown man back in bed for a couple of weeks. The cold is what makes us love the wintry months a bit less, and it’s just not fair. With symptoms varying from mild to pretty strong, the common cold is every mother’s nightmare.

There have been many tips and tricks about ways to shorten the duration of this pesky cold and even diminish the effect it has on our bodies, but not all of them work. In fact, as new products are created that fight the cold, we are more prone to making wrong decisions about which ones to use. Researchers say that nowadays many people use antibiotics to cure a common cold, and that is wrong on so many levels. Antibiotics are pills that are meant to fight off nasty bacteria by targeting structures that bacterial cells have and human cells don’t. If used too frequently some bacteria might become resistant to it and they would no longer work. So by using antibiotics when the situation does not require them, we actually don’t fight the cold and create more problems for our immune system in the long run.

This video is here to give you a few tips on how you can easily bear the common cold, and it all starts with hygiene. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly to prevent spreading the cold. Make sure the air you’re breathing isn’t going to dry your nose and take frequent warm baths to moisturize your nasal membrane and last but not least, make sure you take your mom’s advice to eat that chicken soup. It’s comforting, delicious and a great way to kick that common cold’s derriere.

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