The Sklar Brothers Give Us A Few Tips On Handling Broken Glass

7 years ago

There is an anecdote being retold throughout the centuries of vitrum flexile, also known as flexible glass. Apparently, a craftsman living during the reign of Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar invented a type of glass that did not break. He presented it to the Emperor who tried to break it by smashing it on the floor, but it wouldn’t crack. The highly impressed ruler asked the inventor if he spoke about this magic glass to anyone else. When the craftsman swore that he didn’t tell a soul, the Emperor ordered the man to be executed because he was afraid of the potential of that glass.

Now, we don’t know if this type of glass was ever invented or if the story holds any truth, but in reality, we wouldn’t mind getting our hands on something like it. Imagine how cool it would be if we didn’t have to mind where we walk whenever a glass fell out of our hands. It would make all of our lives easier.

But until the time comes again when someone finds the magical recipe for creating vitrum flexile, we would just have to rely on the Sklar brothers’ advice on how to handle any glass that’s broken. There are a few things that you need to remember. You must never ever use a broom, you can use a vacuum cleaner for the small bits, and bread is your best friend for the tiniest parts. Enjoy!

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